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Gammons: Miggy on the Block

Posted: Thu Nov 1, 2007 8:14 pm
by Lane1974
well if they decide that they can't keep him when he comes due in free agency (he will get an A-Rod type deal IMO) this is the winter to deal him to maximize return on investment, so a team has 2 full years of control of his contract or can buy out his 2 arbitration years as part of a long package. I have faith in Beinfest although trading a potential future HOFer when he is 24 makes me vomit in my mouth. I also could see Miggy becoming a Kevin Mitchell or Mo Vaughn once he gets his big contract (ie - gain 50 lbs and become a shell of his former self and injury prone). If they can get a gem ace pitching prospect (Hughes, Buckholz type) and 2 or 3 MLB ready players back, they do it.

Cabrera trade is a possibility


While the free-agent markets for Alex Rodriguez and Mike Lowell promise to spin upward and onward, industry sources say that clubs have been notified there is another major bat and third baseman on the market -- Florida's Miguel Cabrera. At the age of 20, Cabrera hit three homers in the NLCS against the Cubs in 2003; then in the World Series, he was dusted by Roger Clemens, got up and drove a home run to right-center field.

With their immediate economic situation unsettled because of uncertainty surrounding a new stadium, the Marlins have no choice but to market the 24-year old superstar, who is two years from free agency and will be on the free-agent market before owner Jefferey Loria can move into that ballpark. According to sources, the asking price will be enormously steep, but why not? While there have been some defensive issues for Cabrera at third base, he ranks as one of the most powerful and productive infield corner bats in the game. Trading for a 24-year-old middle- of-the-order third/first baseman should bring Florida at least three significant young players.

Remember, when the Marlins had to trade Josh Beckett under similar circumstances, they targeted and received Hanley Ramirez, who in two years has blossomed into one of the game's premier stars.

The Yankees, who may lose Rodriguez, will certainly be in, but they would have to include Phil Hughes, which is unlikely. The Red Sox, who may lose Lowell, will likely be in as well, but they will have to start with right-hander Clay Buchholz. The Dodgers, who need a middle-of-the-order bat, would seem to have the most to offer with left-hander Clayton Kershaw, left-hander Scott Elbert, right-handed reliever Jonathan Meloan and third baseman Andy LaRoche. The Angels also have a cornucopia of prospects, if they are not in the A-Rod sweepstakes.

A-Rod is widely considered one of the greatest players of all time. Here is an offensive comparison:

Rodriguez .306 .389 .578 .967
Cabrera .313 .388 .542 .930

Rodriguez .308 .363 .551 .916 148 463
Cabrera .313 .388 .542 .930 138 523

Posted: Fri Nov 2, 2007 10:01 pm
by Flash3
I f'in hate the idea of developing star/quality players and then trading them for a prospect who then in turn becomes a star player and then trade them again.

FCUK!!!!! :angry:


Cabrera's name a hot topic.

Posted: Wed Nov 7, 2007 9:40 am
by Cav-Titan-Cub

Posted: Mon Nov 12, 2007 4:15 pm
by travis minor
on the wiretap the other day it said the tigers are interested in willis

Willis for granderson straight up, make it happen

Posted: Mon Nov 12, 2007 4:33 pm
by Lane1974
Jon Heyman says the Fish are asking for the moon for Cabby. I like the Dodgers deals the best, because their guys seem more MLB ready. We'll see what happens. I hope Loria doesn't force a bad deal because of his zeal to lose salary.

NEW YORK -- The Florida Marlins are trying to hit a grand slam in trade talks involving All-Star third baseman Miguel Cabrera, executives involved in the discussions say.

The price is so prohibitive and includes multiple top-tier prospects -- the kind of young players that are hardly ever traded anymore -- that executives believe the Marlins will have to drop their price significantly to deal Cabrera. Because the requests have been jaw-dropping, teams say they don't see anything happening until the winter meetings next month.

For Cabrera, 24, the Marlins are requesting a package of four top young players, according to industry sources, and prime names that interest them are believed to include pitchers Joba Chamberlain or Phil Hughes from the New York Yankees, outfielder Jacoby Ellbsury and pitcher Clay Buchholz from the Boston Red Sox, pitching prospect Clayton Kershaw from the Los Angeles Dodgers, and second baseman Howie Kendrick and pitching prospect Nick Adenhart from the Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim.

Specifically from the Yankees, it is believed the Marlins seek either Chamberlain or Hughes, plus outfielder Melky Cabrera, outfield prospect Jose Tabata and a fourth prospect. Meanwhile, the Yankees are telling people they would not consider parting with their two best pitching prospects in a deal for anyone other than Minnesota Twins ace Johan Santana.

The Dodgers and Angels are considered the biggest players in the Cabrera derby, not only because both teams could upgrade at third base but because they have the types of prospects Florida covets. In addition to Kershaw, the Marlins would have interest in several Dodgers players, including third baseman Andy La Roche, first baseman James Loney, outfielder Matt Kemp and pitcher Chad Billinsgley. Angels players thought to be targeted, beyond Kendrick and Adenhart, would be third-base prospect Brandon Wood and/or first baseman Casey Kotchman.

Complicating matters, the Dodgers, Angels and Red Sox are also seen as players in the Alex Rodriguez sweepstakes. Although, some of the teams interested in Cabrera, who hit .320 with 34 home runs and 119 RBIs, are believed to view him as more a first baseman than a third baseman. The Red Sox and Angels could be two such teams.

The Angels have refused to part with their prospects in many deals over the past few years, but a change at general manager, from Bill Stoneman to Tony Reagins, could lead to a change in tactics.

The Cleveland Indians, San Francisco Giants and Chicago White Sox are three more teams reported to have shown interest in Cabrera.

Posted: Mon Nov 12, 2007 5:15 pm
by travis minor
and ideal trade would include joba or hughes or bucholz, just because that would mean hes in the american league

i can see him going to the white sox because of guillen

the giants have a couple good young pitchers

Posted: Mon Nov 12, 2007 5:22 pm
by Lane1974
I can't see the Red Sox trading for him, I think they re-sign Mikey Lowell. I think Miggy is better suited for the AL, I don't think he'll be a 3B for too long, I think he ends up as a DH, LFer ala Manny or 1B somewhere. I am not one of those who would cry if they traded him for a ransom package -- I just can see him as one of the Kevin Mitchell/Mo Vaughn types with superb ability but not the desire to be in great shape. It's ok when you're 21-24 but it catches up to you down the road. I hope I'm wrong, but the folks on are having a conniption over his being traded. If you can get a Bucholz or Hughes or Lincecum (Giants top prospect) or a package like the Dodgers with 4 guys making it to the ML roster in 2008, I don't have too big a problem with it.

The bigger issue is the parsimonious owner. Put your $ towards the stadium and get it done already. Or sell the team if you're in it to pocket the revenue sharing $ and going to become a farm system for the rest of baseball, so in 3 years we're trading Hanley or the next great player as well because he is too expensive? I wish MLB would institute a salary floor and cap. Having a team spend 200 million and a team spend 30 million is ridiculous. The union would never go for it (cap).