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ESPNNY calls out Texiera

Posted: Sun Oct 19, 2014 5:12 pm
by Pharmcat
We have been saying it for 3 years how horrible this guy has been, this is the first time Ive seen media post negative story on him ... priorities

[quote][/There are some Yankees who wonder if the same syndrome is starting to affect Teixeira. His numerous business interests are well-known -- he spoke of many of them in a 2013 Fortune magazine article -- and last year, displayed a genuine flair for comedy in the "Foul Territory" segments he did for the YES network, in which he played himself as a bumbling TV interviewer. He has appeared on TV ("Entourage") and in a Broadway show, and acting may be one of his post-baseball aspirations. quote]

this guy is a joke who doesn't take the game seriously....180 million, what a waste

Re: ESPNNY calls out Texiera

Posted: Mon Oct 20, 2014 2:07 pm
by moocow007
I didn't like this signing from the start. Never pay that much for a 1B, I don't care how good his defense was. And just to show that I'm not just saying that now, I actually didn't think the ARod mega contract was that bad (at the time).

Re: ESPNNY calls out Texiera

Posted: Mon Oct 20, 2014 11:32 pm
by Dr. Detfink
Too many surgeries and ailments are what did Tex in. He benefited from A-rod in the line up.