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Mateo Arrested, Charged with DV Assault

Posted: Sun May 6, 2007 8:12 am
by Sweezo
"From Bullpen to State Pen: The Julio Mateo Story"

Mariners relief pitcher Julio Mateo turned himself in to police Saturday and was charged with third-degree assault after his wife was treated in a hospital for facial injuries.

The assault allegedly took place some time around 2:30 a.m. Saturday at the team's hotel in midtown Manhattan. The reliever's wife, Aurea, was taken to the facial injuries unit at St. Vincent's hospital, where she was given five stitches for what police confirmed was a bite mark on her lip.


I don't know how the laws are in NY, but in WA Assault 3 is a felony. I wonder if the stitches to the lip were a substantial enough injury to ratchet this offense into that territory. Hippie, help me out here...

Also, this is quite disturbing...

Mateo and his wife have an infant son, Julio Jr. It isn't known whether he was present at the time of the assault. The New York Times reported that an infant was in the room during the assault and that two other children, ages 7 and 11, were in an adjoining room.

You know, I've dealt with DV cases as a prosecutor, a defense attorney, and as a domestic violence advocate. This is subject matter that I've dealt with more times than I can count. Because of that...well, I didn't think much of Julio Mateo as a pitcher prior to today, and now I don't think much about him as a person.

And don't give me any of that "he hasn't been convicted of anything" line...I'm well aware of how that works. Wifebeaters skate routinely because, oddly enough, their victims are oft too afraid to testify against their assailant.

If their kid was present, that really pisses me off. It's one thing to think it's OK to hit your wife...but don't teach your kids to be like you. Maybe the police reports will change my opinion, but as of right now...I'm concerned.

Posted: Sun May 6, 2007 8:37 am
by PhilipNelsonFan
And Sweezo, in a rather f**ked up turn of events, gets his wish.

Dear God, please cut him, Bavasi, and don't think twice.

Posted: Sun May 6, 2007 9:03 am
by Sweezo
PhilipNelsonFan wrote:
Dear God, please cut him, Bavasi, and don't think twice.

He was sent down to AAA...I don't know if that's a sign of things to come?

Posted: Sun May 6, 2007 9:11 pm
by PhilipNelsonFan
Sweezo wrote:-= original quote snipped =-

He was sent down to AAA...I don't know if that's a sign of things to come?

He should be suspended, not demoted. You think the guys at Tacoma will welcome the chants of "wife-beater" at every game?

Posted: Mon May 7, 2007 12:09 am
by BlackMamba
bite mark? wow...

Posted: Mon May 7, 2007 12:20 am
by PhilipNelsonFan
And, my wish is granted...for 10 days anyway.

Somehow, I think the Mariners can make it without him for 10 days. I bet they also could for an entire month.

Posted: Mon May 7, 2007 4:02 am
by Sweezo
Apparently, the allegation isn't just that he bit her...but that he punched and choked her as well. Choking's a huge WA, choking was recently made a felony assault instead of a misdemeanor (although that law hasn't quite taken effect yet).

Posted: Mon May 7, 2007 4:39 am
by myELFboy
Sweezo wrote:Apparently, the allegation isn't just that he bit her...but that he punched and choked her as well. Choking's a huge WA, choking was recently made a felony assault instead of a misdemeanor (although that law hasn't quite taken effect yet).

Good lord, what a disgusting individual he is. I'd cut him and move on...we don't need a wife beater on this team.

Posted: Mon May 7, 2007 7:58 pm
by PhilipNelsonFan
myELFboy wrote:-= original quote snipped =-

Good lord, what a disgusting individual he is. I'd cut him and move on...we don't need a wife beater on this team.

Yes please. I'd rather have Freddy Garcia's (Please Use More Appropriate Word) ass pitching again for the M's, and I hate Garcia with almost the passion I do for Bavasi.

Slightly OT: I'm glad we have legal analysis in addition to Mariners baseball analysis. Makes the board that much more enjoyable.

Posted: Mon May 7, 2007 10:36 pm
by BlackMamba
Sweezo wrote:Apparently, the allegation isn't just that he bit her...but that he punched and choked her as well. Choking's a huge WA, choking was recently made a felony assault instead of a misdemeanor (although that law hasn't quite taken effect yet).

wow... hes got some pretty big issues...

Posted: Tue May 8, 2007 12:02 am
by Sweezo
Speaking of legal issues...I wonder what Mateo's immigration status is. Is he a citizen? Felony DV convictions are typically a one way ticket out of the States.

Posted: Tue May 8, 2007 5:33 am
by PhilipNelsonFan
Sweezo wrote:Speaking of legal issues...I wonder what Mateo's immigration status is. Is he a citizen? Felony DV convictions are typically a one way ticket out of the States.

I'm inclined to believe he's a citizen, but I can't back that up.

Good point, though. If this was Betancourt, we'd be f**ked.

Posted: Wed May 9, 2007 5:38 am
by Sweezo
...and this just might be the tip of the iceberg...

Police were called to the Seattle residence of Mariners pitcher Julio Mateo a week before he was charged with assaulting his wife.

Two 911 calls were placed from Mateo

Posted: Wed May 9, 2007 7:03 am
by PhilipNelsonFan
Sweezo, who exactly is your employer? The city of Seattle? Forgive me for not exactly being in tune with this knowledge.

And I don't understand why this ISN'T getting as much press as the Brett Myers incident from earlier in the year.

Posted: Wed May 9, 2007 8:18 am
by Sweezo
Oops. There was supposed to be an 'if' in that first paragraph, the omission of which changed the meaning of that first paragraph dramatically...I've now added it. You and I aren't doing so good with the typos tonight...

Nah, I don't work at the King Co. prosecutor's office, nor would I really want to. It's too large, and I get a better wage where I currently work in a town with a much cheaper standard of living.