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Re: Oscar Taveras Killed In Car Crash

Posted: Tue Nov 18, 2014 3:14 am
by TheKingofSting
Exactly, everyone makes mistakes it doesn't mean anyone deserved to die.

Re: Oscar Taveras Killed In Car Crash

Posted: Mon Nov 24, 2014 4:52 am
by RoyalMajesty
This is really sad. What makes it worst is that there's two families that are going through this really rough period. I just wish more people would avoid driving while being intoxicated.

Re: Oscar Taveras Killed In Car Crash

Posted: Wed Jan 21, 2015 5:48 pm
by atlantbodg
And his girlfriend, Edilia Arvelo, 18, was killed too.

Re: Oscar Taveras Killed In Car Crash

Posted: Fri Mar 6, 2015 11:45 pm
by Karmaloop
BayAreaMadSkill wrote:The only tragic part of this entire incident is that the young woman died in the crash.

Taveras is an idiot who deserved whatever came to him if he was 5x the limit and driving with a passenger. Should never be in that situation. He's an idiot.

Your as bad as the people who sent in the death threats to Brandon Bostick after his NFCCG gaffe. At no point is the human life that void of value that you can say it isn't a tragic accident.

Re: Oscar Taveras Killed In Car Crash

Posted: Sat Mar 7, 2015 1:18 am
by ohio
you could twist this in many ways, including the fact that his girlfriend did let him drive and did go in the car with him (when someone is that drunk, it's obvious).

But cmon, have some class, that could easily been me or one of the people I decided to ride with against better judgement in my younger days. Is drunk driving wrong? Um, duh. Is it common for people to do it? Yes I'd say it's an epidemic, there's a reason why they have such thing as check points.

Only way a person deserves to die IMO is if they touch children, let Oscar and his girlfriend rest in peace.