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Colts make the playoffs by smoke and mirrors... or not

Posted: Mon Nov 30, 2009 7:19 pm
by Dunthreevy
Yeah so that talk of the Colts winning by smoke and mirrors, or whatever other BS the haters can conger up, can officially be thrown out the window. The Colts are now 11-0 and have won games in about any fashion you can think up, aside from the field opening up and swallowing the opposing team whole, forcing that team to forfeit.

We've wrapped up our division, clinched a playoff spot, and still have another 5 games to go. Sunday's game was a complete Jekyll & Hyde show. The way we were getting carved up in the first half, I thought for sure we were on our way to our first defeat. But as we've been known to do, we flipped the switch and started smacking the Texans around like we were supposed to.

All in all, I love my team!!!


Re: Colts make the playoffs by smoke and mirrors... or not

Posted: Tue Dec 1, 2009 12:06 am
by PR07
It's all about #18 and a very good defense.