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Jermaine's Health

Posted: Fri Jan 4, 2008 10:15 am
by bballshinobi20
Hi Pacer fans,

I just want to know what's the status of Jermaine's health. I know he was bothered by knee problems early in the season but has been coming on strong in December before the stinker he put up last game. How is he doing?

Posted: Fri Jan 4, 2008 7:41 pm
by CableKC
I think he's 75% and I doubt that he will ever gain the full mobility that he had before when he was younger.

However, I also think that his performance is hindered by JO'Bs offensive system. He can fit into JO'Bs system....but it's a poor fit IMHO.

Posted: Sat Jan 5, 2008 3:05 am
by ajizzle
^Accurate analysis, CKC... in the New JO's offense, the Old JO probably doesn't fit very well. In fact, he doesn't fit, but I still love No. 7's D. If he'd be willing to be our Camby, I think he'd still get impressive numbers -- maybe something like 15-12-3 (blocks)-- which would still make him look good while also helping the team win and showing true leadership.

Posted: Mon Jan 7, 2008 10:43 pm
by CableKC
ajizzle wrote:^Accurate analysis, CKC... in the New JO's offense, the Old JO probably doesn't fit very well. In fact, he doesn't fit, but I still love No. 7's D. If he'd be willing to be our Camby, I think he'd still get impressive numbers -- maybe something like 15-12-3 (blocks)-- which would still make him look good while also helping the team win and showing true leadership.

I wish he could put up 15/12/3....but honestly...I don't think that he can anymore. I think that his numbers are down because JO'Bs system if forcing him to play a role that he is not accustomed to ( focusing less on his offensive game and more on his defensive game ), but I also think that he is headed down the Chris Webber route when it comes to his knees and legs.

Posted: Tue Jan 8, 2008 9:17 am
by ajizzle
^JO does have a lot of mileage, but so does Camby, and he's had more chronic problems w/ his knees, ankles and whatnot... He's still churning. I just don't know anymore. I still think JO has some untapped potential, and if he'd just give up on his fadeaway shots, and focus on getting to the line or driving to the lane, he return to his MVP self.

I really think JO thinks that what he's doing is best for the team, and it's not. He seems like an intelligent, genuine guy, and if he could help the team in any way, I think he'd do it, but his actions don't match what he says. And it'd be different if he didn't have any examples, but he plays in the L w/ one right now in Duncan. Duncan drives, gets to the line, passes out of the lane, rarely shoots fadeaways, just does those things that helps a team win... and JO doesn't. Not that his D isn't a big help, b/c he does sacrifice his body a lot, maybe too a fault where he could get injured. But on offense, sometimes, it's as if he's doing the exact opposite.

If not Duncan, then JO should focus on legends like Malone (Karl that is), or Ewing... they may not have won titles, but both made multiple Finals appearances. Both enjoyed HOF careers. Drive, get to the line, PickNPop, Fake-and-go, Up-and-under, Hard drop step... simple things that have worked for years, that work now, and will probably work until the end of time.

I think JO can be like all 3 in many ways, but IDK why things haven't changed. He has the heart, but is the body incapable? Is the mind not either? What is the problem? You wanna win a title, start by mimicking those who have, or at least those who have come close... and do it within your boundaries. I love Hakeem, and I loved his fadeaways, but I learned that I couldn't hit that shot w/ nearly as much consistency as the Dream did... so I stopped shooting it! My coach helped in that regard by benching me, and I was only in middle school, but the point is that a lesson was learned. And guess what? We won 2 consecutive Dragon Tournament Titles my 7th and 8th grade years.

I'm sure at one point, Karl Malone thought he could be like Moses Malone, but somewhere along the line realized that he couldn't rise like Moses, and he could simply overpower like Moses, so he found another way... called FREE THROWS! And Malone made a career out of 2 or 3 moves: A PickNPop J, a Fake-and-go while drawing contact, and FTs. That's really about it, and he's the 2nd leading scorer ever!

I'm sorry for my mini-rant, but it's just frustrating to see potential not fully realized or developed... I just don't understand sometimes...