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Posted: Sat Nov 15, 2008 7:09 am
by mjhp911
Uh-oh, Kareem McKenzie was arrested for DUI Thursday night. Our offensive line play has been stellar this season, and if he has to miss any time for a Goodell-imposed sanction, that wouldn't be good...


Posted: Sat Nov 15, 2008 8:16 pm
by I_Love_NYK
Coughlin said he would not penelize him. Coughlin said he has been good to the organization. This could just be a fine from Roger Goddell, he is not a player who gets in trouble all the time like (Adam "Pacman" Jones.


Posted: Sun Nov 16, 2008 11:08 pm
by blueNorange
giants made the best pass rushing defense look like the worst pass rushing defense! :rofl:

9-1 baby!! :rockon:


Posted: Mon Nov 17, 2008 6:10 am
by mjhp911
Earth, Wind, and Fiyah!

Oh man, what a display! Best team in football right now, no doubt about it. The only team I really want to beat down the stretch, is Washington. We'd have the division at that point, and any other wins would just be gravy for me.

This team is so balanced, so focused, so intense. They have no equal in the league right now. I was especially happy to stuff it down Baltimore's throats with our running game. Yeah, keep talking league, we'll use anything and everything for motivation.

Aside from that lull in the 3rd, kudos have to go to the playcalling this time around. We pressed all the right buttons.

BUT, one huge beef I have... what was up with Tynes getting activated?! One of his kickoffs went out of bounds, and one of his PAT's barely made it. Yeah, he might have a stronger leg, but this guy can be so inconsistent. We should stick with Carney, at least until he starts faltering. I don't want the kicking game to be our weak link, come playoff time.


Posted: Tue Nov 18, 2008 2:05 pm
by I_Love_NYK
Carney is more accurate but he cannot kick the deep ball. The wind was a big factor on sunday's game. They are paying Tynes the money though and if he does not pull through they will go back to Carney. Keeping Carney is a good move as a organization and the team. Carney did not get a lot of chances throughout his career to play for a contender. Regardless though that Tynes can kick the ball better on kick-offs the Giants special teams defense has been horrible. Baltimore kept on starting on the 30-35 yard line. But special teams has always been a flaw with the Giants.

Arizona is next week, they will pass the ball a lot, and the D-Line has to get to Kurt Warner.


Posted: Wed Nov 19, 2008 6:01 am
by mjhp911


Posted: Mon Nov 24, 2008 3:05 am
by I_Love_NYK
Today's win showed how deep the Giants are and also got the passing game back on track. BTW that Madison Hedgecock dance was hilarious.


Posted: Mon Nov 24, 2008 6:50 am
by mjhp911
That was a very hard-fought, and well-earned victory. Yeah, it shows how deep we are. With each passing game, my appreciation for Jerry Reese grows. I would rather treat the injuries with kid gloves now (meaning err on the side of caution), so we can be at full strength when the playoffs roll around.

Hixon was HUGE. I know Carney's kickoffs were subpar, but I just feel a lot more comfortable with him kicking the field goals and PAT's. Maybe when we're fully healthy, we might keep both Carney for field goals and PAT's, and Tynes for kickoffs. That's probably too much of a luxury though.

OMG, did Madison 'Hands of Stone' Hedgecock actually catch a touchdown? That was hilarious. He and Jacobs need to improve their catching though, for sure. Ward's hands are BEAUTIFUL when it comes to catching passes, but I think we saw some of his limitations today. I'd want to have all of Earth, Wind, and Fire when the playoffs come.

Our DB's played admirably, against the league's best passing team. Everything seems to be clicking right now. I just want to win one of the games against either Dallas, or the Redskins coming up. That should pretty much sew up the division. Philly's out of it already. Though it'd be nice to sew up home field throughout as well. But I think the priority should be placed on getting healthy, as opposed to going all out to secure homefield.


Posted: Mon Nov 24, 2008 7:51 am
by blueNorange

listen to hedgecock's post game ... 5F39%2Eflv

he said he was rowing a boat to hawaii :laugh:


Posted: Tue Nov 25, 2008 9:21 pm
by I_Love_NYK
Look for the Redskins to come out harder than they did vs the Seahawks. as sunday's game vs. the Giants is the 1 year death anniversary for Sean Taylor.


Posted: Sun Nov 30, 2008 9:08 pm
by krustytheclown
LOL THE REDSKINS ARE ATROCIOUS :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


Posted: Sun Nov 30, 2008 9:54 pm
by blueNorange
meh, sucks the redskins couldn't win on a day where they celebrated sean taylor ... oh well, giants keep rolling in dominating fashion.

hey plax, outside of week 1 you've done nothing and the giants are winning.


Posted: Mon Dec 1, 2008 4:21 am
by adjacent2bench
This team is just amazing. A lot of teams would have buckled by now with all the circumstances that have affected us since before the season even started.


Posted: Mon Dec 1, 2008 7:14 am
by mjhp911
adjacent2bench wrote:This team is just amazing. A lot of teams would have buckled by now with all the circumstances that have affected us since before the season even started.

Absolutely. Today was a HIGH QUALITY win, by a determined squad. I'm just hoping we don't peak too early. Speaking of which...

Call me nuts, but I wouldn't mind falling into this week's 'trap' game against Philly. By that I mean throttling back on purpose, so as to let Philly give us a wake up call. It would set us up nicely against the 'Girls the week after. That's the game we really need to win, to nail down the division already. One more win after that should probably be enough to clinch homefield throughout. We can rest our guys for the last game against Minny.

Today we won with Eli's arm. Last week, it was the running game. The week before, specials set us up. No matter what the opposing defense takes away, or gives us, we can win every which way. Aside from coverage on kickoffs, we have no holes. I'm loving life. :D


Posted: Wed Dec 3, 2008 6:50 am
by mjhp911
<----- still worried about Pierce


Posted: Mon Dec 8, 2008 6:09 am
by mjhp911
I don't mind the loss at all... it's the way we lost. Seven measly points by the highest scoring offense in the league, that's pretty pathetic. I'm thinking Burress' loss may affect us more than we think. Hixon flat out dropped a TD bomb, and the rest of the receivers couldn't hold onto the ball either. Pierce had a bad game on defense. I think everything finally caught up to him. Oh well, time to regroup for the 'Girls. I didn't like how we backed into the division title today, but a win this week would be nice to secure homefield, and right the ship. It'll probably knock the 'Girls out as well. We better get fired up during practice this week...


Posted: Wed Dec 10, 2008 7:22 am
by mjhp911
Now that Carolina is ahead of Tampa, we just need to win the next 2 games for homefield throughout, then we can rest up against Minny. Easier said than done though. But I expect a strong effort on Sunday night, after the loss to the Iggles.


Posted: Sun Dec 14, 2008 2:48 pm
by I_Love_NYK
Usually Eli does bad whenever the Wind is blowing harder 15+ mph. But Eli threw the ball well, receivers just could not hold onto to the ball. Eli could not have put it in a better place for Hixon and he just blew a sure TD. Receivers gotta step up today. Esp with Jacobs out. I want to see Bradshaw get more touches.


Posted: Mon Dec 15, 2008 3:09 pm
by I_Love_NYK
Not really a fan of Kevin Gilbride's offense, esp without Jacobs. Ward is getting exposed that he is nothing without him. When the passing game is not working they have to let Eli run no huddle.


Posted: Mon Dec 15, 2008 9:58 pm
by krustytheclown
I_Love_NYK wrote:Not really a fan of Kevin Gilbride's offense, esp without Jacobs. Ward is getting exposed that he is nothing without him. When the passing game is not working they have to let Eli run no huddle.

ii hope you didnt just notice this..eli has been way more efficent calling his own plays. i wish wed go the route that the colts go with peyton. each offensive series they give peyton three plays and they allow him to call his own..thats what we should do with eli imo