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Re: Woelfel: 4 teams talking to Sessions (also Greece)

Posted: Wed Jul 15, 2009 3:40 am
by RamonSessions
Tuesday, Jul. 14, 2009
20 questions with Ramon Sessions

Q | Who was your favorite player growing up?

A | "Michael Jordan. No question."

Q | Who was the player you emulated your game after?

A | "Steve Nash"

Q | Who was your favorite team growing up?

A | "Chicago Bulls"

Q | Who is/was your closest teammate on the Bucks?

A | "Charlie Villanueva"

Q | Who is the player on another team you're closest with?

A | "[Former teammate] Mo Williams [of Cleveland], we talk all the time."

Q | Who's a player you hate going against?

A | "Chris Paul. He's a great player. You know, he comes off all those pick-and-rolls, he's tough."

Q | Who's a player you like going against?

A | " Chauncey Billups, because he's a winner, man. I love to go and compete against him."

Q | What is the city with the best fans (other than Milwaukee)?

A | "Probably those die-hard Laker fans. They be all over the place."

Q | What city has the harshest fans?

A | "Boston"

Q | Would you rather make an explosive block or dunk on somebody?

A | "Dunk. Definitely."

Q | What's your favorite moment as an NBA player so far?

A | "Probably when I got those 24 assists, you know, and that being a Bucks record. The franchise has been around 40 years and for me to come in in my first year and do that. And the game-winning shot. I mean, to have one of those in your career early is big."

Q | If you could do over one moment in your NBA career, what would it be?

A | "Probably against the New York Knicks in my first year. We was up 3 and I was guarding Jamal Crawford; he shot a shot and I fouled him at the 3-point line and that sent it into overtime. I think we lost [the game], but we fought."

Q | What do you think about or what is your routine at the free-throw line?

A | "When I'm at the free-throw line I just try to block out the crowd. If I'm tired I may try to take one or more dribbles if I'm real tired I take five dribbles. If I'm all right I'll take three dribbles. It all depends on how I'm feeling when I go to the line."

Q | If you had to estimate, about how many shots do you take a day?

A | "Between 500 and 1,000"

Q | What is the best tip you've received in the NBA and who was it from?

A | "From Mo Williams. In my first year he told me, 'Take every opportunity you get, because you never know when you'll get another one.'"

Q | Why do you wear No. 7?

A | "I wore No. 33 in high school, 11 in college and 7 here. I wear that here because I bring it seven days a week."

Q | Do you have a nickname?

A | '"The memo guy' In Milwaukee on the box score sheet, like my first season, my first 17 games, I'd always break something, like most points I had in a game, most free throws, most minutes. And every time you get something that's a career high they put 'memo.' That's the memo guy. 'Double-O 7.' I used to be 'Rook.' I done got over that. That's probably the main three."

Q | What is a typical game-day meal?

A | " After shootaround I normally get breakfast pancakes, eggs, sausage. Before every game, around the 50-minute mark I eat a Snickers bar."

Q | What would you pursue if you weren't playing basketball?

A | "Something dealing with kids. I'm the type of guy, I like dealing with the kids. So definitely something that has to do with kids."

Q | What's your favorite thing to do other than playing hoops?

A | "Picking up golf. I played 18 holes two days ago. That's my new thing now."

By David Wetzel, The Sun News

Re: Woelfel: 4 teams talking to Sessions (also Greece)

Posted: Wed Jul 15, 2009 3:42 am
by aboveAverage
He's a good kid. Let's get him locked up so Bucks fans can breathe a sigh of relief.

Re: Woelfel: 4 teams talking to Sessions (also Greece)

Posted: Wed Jul 15, 2009 4:07 am
by RamonSessions
Per Wire Tap

Nate Gets $10M Offer From Greece; Knicks To Offer Miller 1-Year Deal?
More Knicks News

Jul 14, 2009 10:09 PM EST

Newsday has learned that Olympiacos is offering Nate Robinson a 2-year contract worth $10 million.

The Knicks are reportedly giving serious consideration to making Andre Miller a 1-year offer at the full mid-level exception.