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Posted: Wed Jan 2, 2008 2:27 am
by magicman123
happypedro12 wrote:
Don't dwell on the past

hahaha exactly, who cares about last year? Gators had a chance to beat an unranked opponent and the flopped. wonderful

who is your team? or are you waiting for the winner of the championship game to decide that

Posted: Wed Jan 2, 2008 2:27 am
by MagicMadness
magicman123 wrote:there are nole boards? suprising didnt think there was anything to talk about..i guess talking about test grades..

Yep. Test grades.

Posted: Wed Jan 2, 2008 2:30 am
by AdamTheGreek
Knew Michigan would win because they finally were healthy. UF didn't help for taunting on Michigan. :rofl:

Props to FAU for giving the state of Florida one bowl win.

Posted: Wed Jan 2, 2008 2:51 am
by UCFJayBird
magicman123 wrote:lol the gators choked..thats not a choke job...michigan finally got healthy at the right time, they have very talented players, it wasnt a fluke..the gators just got outplayed today..michigan wanted it more...usc losing to stanford is a choke job...its a bowl game so both teams were good...gator haters just want something to brag about because there schools arent nearly as good as uf..(fsu, usf, miami, etc). we will be back right at the top next year..cant say that much for the other florida schools

THANK YOU. Does anyone know what a choke is? Florida didn't choke. They got beat by a good team that was finally healthy and were very experienced. Florida is a very young squad, and it wasn't that hard to believe Michigan was going to win. Would I have bet on Michigan? No, but I certainly wouldn't have bet AGAINST them.

Choking would be if Florida had the lead and the ball, and then fumbled and Michigan scored. Or if Florida had a 14 point lead going into the 4th and lost. Getting outplayed is NOT choking. There's a difference between getting beat and choking.

Posted: Wed Jan 2, 2008 2:53 am
by happypedro12
hahaha hell yea we had 36 guys cheating on music tests, man that stuff is hard!!! lol u kno whats great? that 90% of them will go to the NFL while UF has tebow and.........................................................percy harvin i guess. look its ok that UF choked, it happens. *cough *cough *cough. Overall i'm not all that upset about this years season. We took Kentucky to the wire without most of our starting team, lol so yea thats pretty impressive to me. Soon as Trickett gets HIS O-line and Fisher gets his QB in EJ Manuel, you're gonna see a whole new offense. can't wait for the Defense to only have to play 40 snaps a game whereas they now play about 100 snaps a game. Our D is nasty, bottom line

Posted: Wed Jan 2, 2008 2:54 am
by JazzItUp13
hillarious...the gators came in so cocky and got it handed to them! 41 pts!? NICE D!

Posted: Wed Jan 2, 2008 2:55 am
by Paul1984
Dunkin On Ya wrote:-= original quote snipped =-

Don't dwell on the past.

Dont dwell on other teams misfortunes when your own team is in a worse position.

Posted: Wed Jan 2, 2008 2:56 am
by MagicNolesFSU
yeah when florida lost to auburn on the foot of a freshman was the choke job of the season hahah.

im actually proud of the way the noles played in the music city bowl. We capitalized on just about every kentucky mistake with barely a 1st string and absolutly no second string.

fatigue was defiantly showing on drives longer than 7-8 plays on defense.

hurl your insults but the Noles played inspired football, unlike the gators who tried to taunt Michigan and got worked.

only player that played inspired football for UF was Percy Harvin.

Posted: Wed Jan 2, 2008 2:58 am
by MagicNolesFSU
O and all the players were sending to the NFL we will still have the best defense in the ACC as well as the state of Florida. Noles will be back on top soon.

Posted: Wed Jan 2, 2008 3:09 am
by MoGrAdY
As a huge Gator and Wolverine fan I can easily say Michigan didnt play that good once all season. The Michigan team that showed up today was the team that started off ranked #5. They actually came out and played like a gave a ****. I was rooting for Florida but not much you can do if you cant stop anyone on D.

Posted: Wed Jan 2, 2008 3:15 am
by UCFJayBird
I can't believe Noles fans are talking smack, lol. Like they accomplished anything this year to be proud of. Noles fans, it's cool to bask in the defeat of a rival, but don't talk smack about them when they were a far superior team this season.

Posted: Wed Jan 2, 2008 3:19 am
by recko321
45-12 BIATCH!

Posted: Wed Jan 2, 2008 3:20 am
by Kent
I hate the Gators for a lot of reasons, but mostly I hate them because their fans act like jackasses. It's fine to be the fan with bragging rights because your team wins, but there's a line you cross when you're obnoxious as you are about it. Not to mention there are too many fairweather Gator "fans" it makes me sick. If they weren't as good as they are (and the team is good, I'm not dissing them for that), there wouldn't be half as many so-called Gator fans as there are.

Posted: Wed Jan 2, 2008 3:20 am
by Gerhalt11
happypedro12 wrote:hahaha hell yea we had 36 guys cheating on music tests, man that stuff is hard!!! lol u kno whats great? that 90% of them will go to the NFL while UF has tebow and.........................................................percy harvin i guess. look its ok that UF choked, it happens. *cough *cough *cough. Overall i'm not all that upset about this years season. We took Kentucky to the wire without most of our starting team, lol so yea thats pretty impressive to me. Soon as Trickett gets HIS O-line and Fisher gets his QB in EJ Manuel, you're gonna see a whole new offense. can't wait for the Defense to only have to play 40 snaps a game whereas they now play about 100 snaps a game. Our D is nasty, bottom line

yeah man, there's no need to be disappointed in FSU's season. Bowden is about to have a stroke, the guy you tapped to replace him is already looking elsewhere, you barely made a bowl game, the one you did make is an absolute joke, you lost to a mediocre Kentucky team, had half your team suspended for cheating, all to cap off a six loss season. yup. lot to be proud of there.

I'll be the first to admit that Florida was outplayed. Michigan, when they're healthy, is defintely a top tier team. they were more motivated and more talented than Florida today, no question. but it seems to me that the absolute last group of people in the country in a position to be talking trash about it are FSU fans.

Posted: Wed Jan 2, 2008 3:30 am
by Paul1984
I know the Gators got worked and all that I just got a problem with lowly Seminole fans laughing at us when they are becoming a national joke.

Posted: Wed Jan 2, 2008 3:44 am
by MagicNolesFSU
national joke.....LMAO that sir is the joke

Posted: Wed Jan 2, 2008 3:44 am
by Dunkin On Ya
Paul1984 wrote:I know the Gators got worked and all that I just got a problem with lowly Seminole fans laughing at us when they are becoming a national joke.

Gator fans are sore losers. You got beat by Michigan and some Noles fans get a kick out of it. Big deal.

Gators fans BASK in the misery that is FSU football right now, yet when the Gators stub their toe on an opponent and the Noles bask, you whine about it.

Buy a pacifier.

Posted: Wed Jan 2, 2008 3:53 am
by N4U|Redux
Thanks for the lesson on what choking is Jwill. I had deemed it losing a game you're expected to win, if not win handedly.

UF should've won this game -- at least based on where they're ranked, where they were playing, how great their Heisman QB is, and how great UF fans claim their school is. Michigan is good, but they should've won by 20 today, that's embarrassing.

All I gotta say is, thank god UCF/UF both lost games they could've/should've won, it helps alleviate travelling 2000 miles to see your team get blown out by 30+ (USF).

Posted: Wed Jan 2, 2008 3:58 am
by Gerhalt11
You know, for all the times I've seen FSU fans call Gator fans classless and sore losers, I don't seem to recall any Gator fans starting a thread after the Seminoles lost to Kentucky...

Posted: Wed Jan 2, 2008 4:04 am
by MagicMadness
According to every college team everywhere, their biggest rivals fans' are classless.

What a joke of an arguement. Any message board I go to is the same..."so-and-so's fans are classless!" Just stupid.