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Mike Brown wins first ever UNANIMOUS Coach of the Year award

Posted: Wed Apr 19, 2023 11:39 pm
by codydaze
Another day, another first in the awards announcements for the Sacrament Kings. Congrats coach!

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Re: Mike Brown wins first ever UNANIMOUS Coach of the Year award

Posted: Thu Apr 20, 2023 6:43 am
by OxAndFox
Done a terrific job from day 1. I initially thought this wasn't the hire (but was also stoked it wasn't Jackson). I think it was the first press conference that swung me though. I just thought the Kings fan base should give him a fair go and see if he can do what he is saying. And he didn't. He absolutely smashed it and then some. Well done to the entire coaching staff too. They're on the same page, know their roles, and are hungry for success, just like the players.

Re: Mike Brown wins first ever UNANIMOUS Coach of the Year award

Posted: Fri Apr 21, 2023 3:32 am
by LewisnotMiller
Well deserved. I thought you guys had gone a somewhat safe/middle of the road/stable choice in the hopes of squeaking into the playoffs.

And with your record, I figured he was doing a good job of not getting in the way, and letting your players own the offence. Having seen more of you down the stretch it's clear I was selling him short. He's put a much better offensive system in place than I ever remember from him previously.

(And I think he's always been decent enough at the rest)

Congrats to Brown, and good choice by the Kings.