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OKC Regular season opener thread

Posted: Fri Oct 31, 2008 8:34 pm
by Argyle
Dont know if anybody saw it, but its comical.

Mad crazy support for the team... from "Sonics" fans rather than "Thunder" "fans".

Re: OKC Regular season opener thread

Posted: Fri Oct 31, 2008 9:14 pm
by Dick Tate
Neat. Glad they didn't do it here.

Re: OKC Regular season opener thread

Posted: Sat Nov 1, 2008 6:05 am
by jenn_gp
Saw what and where? Are you talking about the OKC boards? If so, I peeked in opening night and the turnout on the game thread was pathetic.

Re: OKC Regular season opener thread

Posted: Sun Nov 2, 2008 7:40 pm
by Argyle
jenn_gp wrote:Saw what and where? Are you talking about the OKC boards? If so, I peeked in opening night and the turnout on the game thread was pathetic.

Yeah that's what I'm talking about.

Another thing that was awesome when I was watching the game was how empty the seats were at the start of the 3rd quarter. I'm assuming everyone was still out in the "NBA ready concourse" buying "NBA calibur concessions" from "NBA level hot dog vendors" and pissing in "NBA urinals".

Mark my words. The fans are there to see and be seen, and to experience the novelty of a "real" pro team, not to support a team. It's going to be interesting how many are still around after 3 years of suckage.


Re: OKC Regular season opener thread

Posted: Sun Nov 2, 2008 7:54 pm
by jenn_gp
The 2nd game thread turnout was even worse..5 replies.

We had more of a reaction than they did during the games last year in game threads under terrible conditions. Even when Bennett did his best to alienate us we were still more active than they have been thus far. It is only the 2nd game. Maybe some Thunder fans don't know of yet..Plus they are still in college football season. I'll give them some time. But if February rolls around and they are still as active as they are now I'm going to be pissed. If they're going to go through the trouble of stealing our team they at least need to support it. Ungrateful b*stards.

EDIT: I wanted to also add that I caught the 3rd & 4th quarters on League Pass against the Rockets last night. I'll admit I was curious to see how they were doing..towards the beginning of the 3rd quarter they were able to hang around..then towards the end of the quarter the Rockets were able to take a 14-16+ pt lead. It seems like there was plenty to chat about through 3/4th's of the game.

Re: OKC Regular season opener thread

Posted: Fri Nov 14, 2008 7:21 pm
by 24K_Gold
so...okc has to post on a message board to prove that they support their team?do you think by chance that getting 18,000 a night for a not so good team is proof enough?

i'll pass the word at the next game that our support isn't official until we post on REALGM!
jenn,have you thought about getting a puppy or a boyfriend or something?

Re: OKC Regular season opener thread

Posted: Sat Nov 15, 2008 12:50 am
by jenn_gp
Sounds like you're an OKC fan. Go back to where you came from, you're not wanted here.

It sounds like you're the one who needs to get a have the time to troll and come into a 90% abandoned forum, taking shots at people you've never talked with before? Get a life dude. I mean that in the most polite way.

Don't let the door hit you in the *ss on the way out now.

Re: OKC Regular season opener thread

Posted: Sat Nov 15, 2008 2:35 am
by wiff
24K_Gold wrote:so...okc has to post on a message board to prove that they support their team?do you think by chance that getting 18,000 a night for a not so good team is proof enough?

i'll pass the word at the next game that our support isn't official until we post on REALGM!
jenn,have you thought about getting a puppy or a boyfriend or something?

Come back when OKC has a crowd of 14k after ten years of being mired in mediocrity to just being down right bad.

Right now you are like an excited two year old at X-mas who is more excited to play with the box than the toy that came in it.


Look Dad I got an NBA team!

That's great son, but what does it do?

I don't know lets go to the arena and see what happens.

Trust me the novelty of getting blown out starts to wear on even the hardest of the hardcore fans and right now I wouldn't cosider you folks as hard as toliet tissue. The stadium will start to thin out once their record is 4 and 20.

Re: OKC Regular season opener thread

Posted: Sun Nov 16, 2008 4:19 am
by Hardzy
4 and 20 is optimistic!

Re: OKC Regular season opener thread

Posted: Sun Nov 16, 2008 8:15 pm
by 24K_Gold
wiff wrote:
24K_Gold wrote:so...okc has to post on a message board to prove that they support their team?do you think by chance that getting 18,000 a night for a not so good team is proof enough?

i'll pass the word at the next game that our support isn't official until we post on REALGM!
jenn,have you thought about getting a puppy or a boyfriend or something?

Come back when OKC has a crowd of 14k after ten years of being mired in mediocrity to just being down right bad.

Right now you are like an excited two year old at X-mas who is more excited to play with the box than the toy that came in it.


Look Dad I got an NBA team!

That's great son, but what does it do?

I don't know lets go to the arena and see what happens.

Trust me the novelty of getting blown out starts to wear on even the hardest of the hardcore fans and right now I wouldn't cosider you folks as hard as toliet tissue. The stadium will start to thin out once their record is 4 and 20.

says the angry basketball fan...anyone with eyes could see that this team was going to be no good although they do have some good pieces in place.well if i'm the excited 2 yr old then you have to be the angry,bitter90yr old guy stuck in a nursing home and just hates on everything going on around him.
no jenn i was being serious,baby girl you have a serious problem.i don't know what kind of void the team left in your life but your awfully rude to anyone who comes to this board(a freakin message board that is open to the public)are you that mean to your students?i know it rains alot in that region but if it happens to thunder will you spaz out on everyone around you?btw you have no team to troll against,i'm just worried about your well being as a fellow American.if a puppy or boyfriend/girlfriend won't do then there's other options as well.

Re: OKC Regular season opener thread

Posted: Sun Nov 16, 2008 11:19 pm
by wiff
24K_Gold wrote:says the angry basketball fan...anyone with eyes could see that this team was going to be no good although they do have some good pieces in place.well if i'm the excited 2 yr old then you have to be the angry,bitter90yr old guy stuck in a nursing home and just hates on everything going on around him.

I'm not hating I'm just telling you how it is. You're right the Thunder have had 18k at all 5 home games. Congrats. But can you honestly tell me that people are going to watch great basketball being played by the Thunder or is it the whole new "Big League" team that they are going to see?

But after ten years of being crap do you think they are still going to draw 18k a game? And trust me no way Durant is going to stay in OKC. He already called the owner a "Fat mother f'er". It's only a matter of time before he leaves and high draft pick after high draft pick bolts.

Sure you have some nice pieces but so have the Clippers and how many playoff series have they won.

And of course the Thunder were going to be bad this year they were horrible last year and they made no major changes. Their motto is to let the kids mature. But trust me Durant hates to lose and don't minimize the way the players feel Clay treated the fans in Seattle and how he made the players move to OKC, plus his "Boo-Hoo" comment was choice.

Clay may feel the fans will be patient with the losing but will the players be as patient? Trust me the players did not want to leave Seattle for OKC. I'm sure your city is a grand as the great plains but it's just that. Plain!

OKC is going to have a tough time with free agents and then it is going to be the spin cycle with young players. They'll get drafted and move on to the first big market they can. So the Thunder will always be bad but filled with young talent. But ask yourself this how many championships are won with young talent?

This isn't hate, this is reality.

Re: OKC Regular season opener thread

Posted: Mon Nov 17, 2008 3:19 am
by Dick Tate
But after ten years of being crap...

Not intending to side with the troll, but it is kind of funny to see this from someone who used to be so gung-ho on the Presti tear-down approach to team building.

Re: OKC Regular season opener thread

Posted: Mon Nov 17, 2008 7:24 am
by jenn_gp
I refuse to argue with someone about my personal life, especially when it comes to my career. 24K_Gold, you don't know me. For real, get a life. Shouldn't you be rooting for your team instead of picking bones with the poor ol' saps you stole your team from? If I was in OKC I would personally care less what people in Seattle thought about me and my fanbase. Cause seriously, I could care less about what you think of me and anyone else in your neck of the woods for that matter.
Enough with the personal insults..this is a basketball forum. Stick with the topic instead of trying to push buttons. If anything you are taking this way too personally. I make a few comments about your team forum's lack of interest and you have your panties all in a wad. Take a chill pill.

Re: OKC Regular season opener thread

Posted: Mon Nov 17, 2008 9:44 am
by bennith13
People in OKC have to move arguments away from the court and on to the personal attacks. They just found out about the NBA a few years ago and still don't understand basketball. That's not an attack, go to some OKC cites and read the kind of stuff they talk about when it comes to basketball. Thats another reason there is more activity on this board then the OKC city one, they don't know what to talk about.

Re: OKC Regular season opener thread

Posted: Mon Nov 17, 2008 2:41 pm
by wiff
Dick Tate wrote:
But after ten years of being crap...

Not intending to side with the troll, but it is kind of funny to see this from someone who used to be so gung-ho on the Presti tear-down approach to team building.

Oh Dick.

The difference is that in Seattle the Sonics had big enough roots to with stand a rebuild. The fans would still be there.

I don't see that happening in OKC. If they lose Durant to free agency they are done. Put a fork in 'em.

Sure they have the novelty of being a new show in town but how long is that going to last if they keep getting waxed? After this year year, where is the hardcore fan base who would keep showing up to a team that wins 25 games?

Re: OKC Regular season opener thread

Posted: Mon Nov 17, 2008 5:22 pm
by jenn_gp
bennith13 wrote:People in OKC have to move arguments away from the court and on to the personal attacks. They just found out about the NBA a few years ago and still don't understand basketball. That's not an attack, go to some OKC cites and read the kind of stuff they talk about when it comes to basketball. Thats another reason there is more activity on this board then the OKC city one, they don't know what to talk about.

And BTW..I'm not the only one questioning the OKC forums lack of interest. At least I'm not waltzing into their forum and asking where all the fans are, which I saw a Knick fan do in the Thunder vs. Knicks game thread recently.
You do know about the zero tolerance policy between our forum and your's, right 24K_gold? Why don't you start with attacking fans of other teams who post in your forum first. Then, since I know there's really nothing else to do in OKC, and if you'd like to have a mature, adult discussion (if you are even an adult..I can't tell by reading your posts) without personally attacking me, feel free to come back in here to discuss. Not that I'd be willing to listen at this point.

Re: OKC Regular season opener thread

Posted: Mon Nov 17, 2008 9:31 pm
by 24K_Gold
bennith 13,don't be stupid your whole just proves my/others point of how ignorant the fans formerly know as the sonics have become.your next after I help jenn out...your angry as well!

wiff,if you mention reality in your post then you have to understand the in the hell can you perdict that the thunder will a)lose durant and b)still be bad in 10yrs?in REALITY you have no clue,it's all hate at this point.I have still yet to see the proof of kd calling out reality this some bs hear say from another dejected sonics fan.
as far as the players...they will follow the money(we just happen to have a **** load of it).so tell me how many of the players lived in seattle yr round?I got that answer for you,1(nick).just like 85% of the league players do...they go home in the offseason.
again wiff you have yet to hit me with any reality,it's all wishfull thinking on your part.however if you do by chance have the ability to see into the future,forget everything i've said and let's be friends(i'll even boycott all thunder games while wearing a seattle sonics jersey).but in reality we all know that your just as plain as oklahoma!
oh yea playoffs 2010

Re: OKC Regular season opener thread

Posted: Mon Nov 17, 2008 9:50 pm
by 24K_Gold
jenn are you serious?no tolerance policy?my god it's a message's not even that damn me it seems that most of you have nothing to do other than post on a message board of a team that's no really jenn who needs to get a life?

like i've said before you mfer's take this **** way to serious cause it's just a game.speaking of games,gotta go watch the thunder get beat down.

btw,after 10 games the players are already having players only meetings.I know that we're new to this but my hunch tells me that,that's not a good sign.oh well I love those sorry mfers anyways!

Re: OKC Regular season opener thread

Posted: Mon Nov 17, 2008 11:18 pm
by Hardzy
The Knicks have plenty of money and look at them, OKC will only attract greedy players who suck.

Have fun sucking.

Re: OKC Regular season opener thread

Posted: Mon Nov 17, 2008 11:45 pm
by jenn_gp
24K_Gold= Larbrd anyone?

I've never seen anyone get so confrontational as he has..and this is pretty close to it, if not the same.