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Build-A-Franchise game - NYK Forum.

Posted: Mon Dec 2, 2019 9:10 pm
by Capn'O
Hey there :-D

The Knicks forum has been running a 30-team Sim franchise league and we're a team down. We all drafted players two seasons ago with a $1000 cap in a league wide auction and we've been drafting, trading, and signing free agents since then.

We have a remarkably fair and dedicated commissioner "Bishnykfan" or "Bish" who runs an online simulation with the teams in concurrence with the regular NBA schedule. He also executes all of the trades and transactions. We have no idea why he does this but periodically we run a crowd fund to throw him some bones for his effort.

Here is the thread containing game information.

The team is the Wizards.
Of note - this team was run by MagnumT prior to his untimely passing last spring :beer: There was an interim manager who has since had other commitments come up.

Draft pick summary here:

As far as we know, the game will go on as long as Bish and others are willing to participate it. The retention rate so far has been very high. It looks like a lot but it takes quickly and then becomes mostly banter in our discussion thread on the main forum. We have a few past and present players from outside of our forum. I have encouraged others from the game to enter with testimonials :-D

Other than the occasional voluntary donations to our commish there is no (real) monetary aspect to the game.

Please myself or Bish know if the game is of interest.

Re: Build-A-Franchise game - NYK Forum.

Posted: Wed Dec 4, 2019 9:00 pm
by sjohn
What is this based on? Fantasy BB?