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Best program for increasing your vertical

Posted: Sun Aug 4, 2013 10:22 pm
by ikeziskash
Hello all, I am a bit old in terms of a ball player but want to make another run at dunking again. I did so back in high school off of a program I had that I can no longer find.

Which of these programs would you suggest as the best? Freak jump technique is in my signature and what I am leaning towards (Those of you with hops please help me out).

1. 50 Inch Vertical? details here
2. Freak Jump Technique? details here

Re: Best program for increasing your vertical

Posted: Tue Sep 3, 2013 4:50 am
by trainwreckog
first of all, make sure you are warmed up.. warming up is more important then stretching.. by a mile.. it's the biggest injury preventer out there..

then jump rope.. as many jumps in a row as you can on your left leg, then your right leg, then sets where you do two rounds per jump (if you can, on one leg).... do these things until it burns..

a great exercise for another day would be to do some hamstring stretches so they are loose, and start sprinting backwards... if you've never done this before, you will work muscles you've never worked before and you'll see immediate improvement in your takeoff (especially one-legged takeoff) within days.

Re: Best program for increasing your vertical

Posted: Mon Dec 23, 2013 9:11 am
by jabeen100
This program is the best to increase the vertical.

Re: Best program for increasing your vertical

Posted: Fri Dec 27, 2013 8:37 am
by miltk
beach? like maybe beach volleyball.

i would think that it's advantage is that it's athletic participation, and maybe you develop quick jumping.

Re: Best program for increasing your vertical

Posted: Sat Jan 4, 2014 4:05 am
by AlexDelta
Isn't there some shoe add-on which is supposed to help you increase your vertical? No idea if it actually works.