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Re: The Amazingly Sucky Ernie Grunfield Thread:

Posted: Fri Jun 27, 2008 2:38 pm
by closg00
ESPN had this to say about Portland

For the third straight year, the Blazers walk away with an "A" in the draft. Portland GM Kevin Pritchard continues to be the most daring, creative and active GM in the league. If I were to use a draft term to describe him, I'd say he's got an amazing motor.

Re: The Wiz

Analysis: McGee has upside -- kind of like Andray Blatche does. McGee made a big mistake coming out early, and I doubt he'll ever turn all that upside into a real NBA game.

Give me a GM like Portland's any day over the stale thinking of Ernie Grunfeld. Get out the pitch-forks fellas.

Re: The Amazingly Sucky Ernie Grunfield Thread:

Posted: Fri Jun 27, 2008 2:54 pm
by miller31time
I look at what EG did in Milwaukee. Then I see what he's doing here in D.C. Eerily similar, and not in the way that makes you very hopeful for a big-time move to get done.

Re: The Amazingly Sucky Ernie Grunfield Thread:

Posted: Fri Jun 27, 2008 3:04 pm
by closg00
Ernie Grunfeld is a race-car driver who continues to rev his engine while the other drivers are already circling the track.

Re: The Amazingly Sucky Ernie Grunfield Thread:

Posted: Fri Jun 27, 2008 3:08 pm
by TheKingOfVa360
The Consiglieri wrote:
TheKingOfVa360 wrote:We suck. We drafted a bust in the first round and traded Bill Walker for cash to the NBA champions. I blame the latter on cheap ol Abe Pollin. This team will never go anywhere until he sells the team and he won't do that until he dies.

As do I. Maybe a side benefit will be me no longer having to hear how the incompetant's a great owner. Total b.s. If he does philanthropy, good for him and the city, but when it comes to owning sports teams, the #1 thing your judge on is the quality of your leadership in terms of that team. What kind of team do you help build, do you create a culture of winning, is winning the #1 priority etc. From day one of my watching ('86), it's been clear that loyalty to old buddies, and penny pinching have been his two priorities in running the team, and as such, this team has just been about the most unsuccessful team across that 23 year stretch along w/the clippers, who not coincidentally also have a terrible owner. Walker for cash? You've got to be ----ing me! What a horrible joke. I didnt mind the first pick, I could see the sense in it, but when you land a guy w/walkers upside that late, and trade him just so some 800 year old coot can save a couple of stray bills in his wallet you're on your way to throwing your fan base into the garbage. Incredibly short sighted idiotic move. Even if it doesnt hurt us and Walker becomes nothing, it doesnt negate the fact that the move was 100% about cheapness rather than sound basketball decision making.

The joke's on us. As per always. Can't way till Ted takes over.

Amen! Standing Ovation! It's hard out here for a Wizards fan. Now watch us blow all our cap flexibility on signing 32 year old defensive sieve Jamison and gimpy knee Arenas. Watch us give Jamison over 10 million in an owners market! We can't even use our mid-level because the Wizards won't go over the luxury tax because Abe Pollin is cheap. Bring in big Ted Leonis!

Re: The Amazingly Sucky Ernie Grunfield Thread:

Posted: Fri Jun 27, 2008 3:11 pm
by Kanyewest
closg00 wrote:ESPN had this to say about Portland

For the third straight year, the Blazers walk away with an "A" in the draft. Portland GM Kevin Pritchard continues to be the most daring, creative and active GM in the league. If I were to use a draft term to describe him, I'd say he's got an amazing motor.

Re: The Wiz

Analysis: McGee has upside -- kind of like Andray Blatche does. McGee made a big mistake coming out early, and I doubt he'll ever turn all that upside into a real NBA game.

Give me a GM like Portland's any day over the stale thinking of Ernie Grunfeld. Get out the pitch-forks fellas.

Sorry if I don't trust ESPN. I mean, only Tim Legler out of like 10 or so analysts picked the Celtics. It also helps that the Blazers owner, Paul Allen, is the freaking co-founder of Microsoft. The Wizards have to be more stingy because the pockets of one Abe Pollin are not nearly as large.

Re: The Amazingly Sucky Ernie Grunfield Thread:

Posted: Fri Jun 27, 2008 3:15 pm
by TheKingOfVa360
Da HomeTeam wrote:I think much of this has to do with the Ernie vs. Eddie tension. Trying to remake the team in his image vs. trying to still produce a winner under EJ. That IMO is the reason why we're just treading water. Throw in Abe reluctance to pay the luxury tax and there you go.

I feel like I'm doing a post for skool - but there does not appear to be shared vision for the orgnanization. Nobody seems to be on the same page. Reminds me of a few years ago with Skins we knew there was something going on but didn't really know until Archuletta opened his mouth after the season.

I think EJ & EG are too professional to ever let stuff come out. But clearly there is something going on behind the scenes.

I agree, It's EG vs Abe Pollin and EJ. EG can't make blockbuster moves or even sign vets like Posey/Kurt Thomas because Pollin doesn't want to go over the luxury tax. Abe is loyal to over the hill players like Jamison and won't trade him or let him walk because he is a good guy.

Then EG has to give EJ enough talent to barely make the playoffs and get knocked out in the first round. He also has to EJ proof the team and get rid of players like Ruffin/Hayes/etc and make sure to not draft any players like them.

Re: The Amazingly Sucky Ernie Grunfield Thread:

Posted: Fri Jun 27, 2008 3:23 pm
by clubbing_caveman
Hey y'all remember JCN...remember how EG maybe got us a 1st and more likely a 2nd for a guy who would never play for us? This could have been a wasted 2nd rnd pick which EG probably turned into something more useful. Is this an A+ move?
Remember the Kwame for Butler trade? Is this an A+ move?
Remember signing GA? Is this an A+ move?
Remember trading La8ner + Stack+ Devin Harris for AJ? Is this an A+ move?

EG has been here 5 years. Every year he does something to improve our team. If you give the above moves an A+, then he's done well for our team. I'm sure he went after Gasol, but our package wasnt good enough. I'm sure he's constantly trying to put together trades that could better our team...we just dont hear about it, because, well, thats just his style. Are there GMs who go for the more risky moves? you bet! Are there worse GMs? You bet. I, for one, am glad we have EG. I like his methodology of building a team. Just because we're still a 42-45 win team every year doesnt mean EG hasnt done his job well.

Re: The Amazingly Sucky Ernie Grunfield Thread:

Posted: Fri Jun 27, 2008 3:47 pm
by Wizardspride
Face it guys...this has nothing to do with EG's skill as a GM. This is all about Mr. Pollin and EJ.

I'm not upset at the drafting of McGee. What does irk me is Mr. Pollin's reluctance to go over the luxury tax when necessary to aquire players to compliment the "Big Three". If he's financially not able to do so, then he needs to sell a majority interest of the team to Leonsis.

PS:As much as I respect Jamison, I would not be unhappy to see the Wiz not resign him and turn over the power forward spot to Blatche. Maybe I'm crazy but I just believe that Blatche will never blossom as a substitute...especially with EJ's strange substitution patterns.

Re: The Amazingly Sucky Ernie Grunfield Thread:

Posted: Fri Jun 27, 2008 6:00 pm
by TheKingOfVa360
Wizardspride wrote:Face it guys...this has nothing to do with EG's skill as a GM. This is all about Mr. Pollin and EJ.

I'm not upset at the drafting of McGee. What does irk me is Mr. Pollin's reluctance to go over the luxury tax when necessary to aquire players to compliment the "Big Three". If he's financially not able to do so, then he needs to sell a majority interest of the team to Leonsis.

PS:As much as I respect Jamison, I would not be unhappy to see the Wiz not resign him and turn over the power forward spot to Blatche. Maybe I'm crazy but I just believe that Blatche will never blossom as a substitute...especially with EJ's strange substitution patterns.

I agree, EJ won't be fired until Pollin is gone and Pollin will never go over the luxury tax.

I also agree that Jamison has to go so Blatche can blossom.

Re: The Amazingly Sucky Ernie Grunfield Thread:

Posted: Fri Jun 27, 2008 6:17 pm
by The Consiglieri
I have to admit, I'm also not in the rip EG contingent mostly because I think the undelying issues are ownership bases, as well as the fact that I was okay w/the first rounder. I want Leonsis. He actually (could go back on this soon) pays for talent, and tries to compete, and if he's cheap, it's because it doesnt make sense to pay top dollar for a team when it isn't ready to actually accomplishing something. Last year he paid top dollar for a few free agents to improve the team after skimping for several years during the rebuild, he signed Ovy long term, and now he's about to earn my trust by signing Mike Green and some others long term. He gets it. All I've seen from abe in 22 years is unquestioning loyalty to incompetentats (Unseld, O'Malley etc) and their idiotic decision making, cheapness, and a mixture of the terrible ('88-'96 and '98-'04) and shallow end of of the mediocrity pool ('86, '87, '97, '05-'08). No clear plans, no dedication to anything save taking care of his friends and saving every last dime. That's the problem. Maybe Ernie is too, but it won't become clear until he's out from underneath the cheapskate's ownership regime.

Re: The Amazingly Sucky Ernie Grunfield Thread:

Posted: Fri Jun 27, 2008 6:43 pm
by dobrojim
Chaos Revenant wrote:Well, at least stockpile assets that can help the team in the short term too; would CDR have been a bad pick at 18? Or Batum? Or Greene?

based on where they ended up going, yes!

Of course we don't yet know how many other teams may have made the same
mistake we did by passing on these potentials with potential.

Re: The Amazingly Sucky Ernie Grunfield Thread:

Posted: Fri Jun 27, 2008 6:47 pm
My issue with EG is this even though he makes moves to improve the team, he is not doing anything to correct our most glaring deficiences defense and rebounding. He is not the worst GM I have ever seen, but he is far from being one of the best. If you want to see our roster for next year just look at last years media guide. The Wiz will not have to take a new team picture they can use the same one from last year. They can save money that way.

If there is a rift between EG and EJ then, EG should send EJ packing and bring in someone else.

Re: The Amazingly Sucky Ernie Grunfield Thread:

Posted: Fri Jun 27, 2008 6:53 pm
by dobrojim
but sometimes the best moves are the ones you DON'T MAKE.

Look at LAL (kept Kobe, made Finals)
PHO dumped Matrix for Shaq who is a bad fit for what they did as a team. 1st rnd out.
DAL lost depth and youth and ended up no better, and possibly worse off
then they would have been.

And most of us have no idea what the offers were that he turned down.

I agree with the poker analogy.

Re: The Amazingly Sucky Ernie Grunfield Thread:

Posted: Fri Jun 27, 2008 7:28 pm
by TheSecretWeapon
I don't agree with the poker analogy. Ernie has made big and controversial moves in the past -- bringing Sprewell to the Knicks after he'd choked Carlesimo; swapping a popular Oakley for Camby. The Oakley move was unpopular at the time, likely ended up costing Ernie his job, and ended up being instrumental in getting the Knicks to the Finals.

Ernie will make a big move when it's there, but he won't do stupid stuff to just be doing something. Looking at the situation realistically, what are his options for making a big move? Arenas has been injured, and he's up for a BIG new contract which means Ernie won't get full value for him. Jamison is on the wrong side of 30, and is also up for a new deal -- again, Ernie won't get full value.

What's left? Caron -- who brings much needed heart, toughness, leadership, and quality play (at a relatively low pricetag for what he brings). What asset will Ernie get that will transform the team into an instant title contender with the 18th pick, and the likes of the non-big 3 on the roster?

Re: The Amazingly Sucky Ernie Grunfield Thread:

Posted: Fri Jun 27, 2008 7:37 pm
by dobrojim
Well maybe he's like a poker player who keeps getting dealt middlin' hands.

And unfortunately, in the NBA, it's a lot harder to bluff. Your cards are
on the table every game.

Re: The Amazingly Sucky Ernie Grunfield Thread:

Posted: Fri Jun 27, 2008 8:38 pm
by Chocolate City Jordanaire
closg00 wrote:Ernie Grunfeld is a race-car driver who continues to rev his engine while the other drivers are already circling the track.

Gotta steal this great quote, closq00.

Re: The Amazingly Sucky Ernie Grunfield Thread:

Posted: Fri Jun 27, 2008 8:49 pm
by Chocolate City Jordanaire
TheSecretWeapon wrote:I don't agree with the poker analogy. Ernie has made big and controversial moves in the past -- bringing Sprewell to the Knicks after he'd choked Carlesimo; swapping a popular Oakley for Camby. The Oakley move was unpopular at the time, likely ended up costing Ernie his job, and ended up being instrumental in getting the Knicks to the Finals.

Ernie will make a big move when it's there, but he won't do stupid stuff to just be doing something. Looking at the situation realistically, what are his options for making a big move? Arenas has been injured, and he's up for a BIG new contract which means Ernie won't get full value for him. Jamison is on the wrong side of 30, and is also up for a new deal -- again, Ernie won't get full value.

What's left? Caron -- who brings much needed heart, toughness, leadership, and quality play (at a relatively low pricetag for what he brings). What asset will Ernie get that will transform the team into an instant title contender with the 18th pick, and the likes of the non-big 3 on the roster?

The big move he could do would be to sign and trade Arenas for defense on the perimeter and quality depth at SF plus future draft picks. He won't though.

He'll give an oft-injured player a max deal. Despite the lack of leadership and the lack of defense the guy plays. Not even considering that PERHAPS Gil won't be quite as explosive, or PERHAPS he could get injured again.

He'll be content to keep Jamison at PF so we can once again see him get worn down and outrebounded in the playoffs by tall PFs.

EG can make a big move trading Arenas, Butler, or Jamison once they're all signed but I predict he won't, and that in time their value will be similar to that of Stephon Marbury, Vince Carter, and Jermaine O'Neal; all stars themselves who failed to win in similar fashion.

I hope I'm wrong about this team.

Re: The Amazingly Sucky Ernie Grunfield Thread:

Posted: Fri Jun 27, 2008 8:54 pm
by Wizardspride
Chocolate City Jordanaire wrote:
I hope I'm wrong about this team.

You are..... :)

Re: The Amazingly Sucky Ernie Grunfield Thread:

Posted: Fri Jun 27, 2008 8:55 pm
by nate33
Chocolate City Jordanaire wrote:The big move he could do would be to sign and trade Arenas for defense on the perimeter and quality depth at SF plus future draft picks. He won't though.

That hasn't been a realistic option ever since Arenas declared he would opt out. No team is going to trade major assets for a guy who might bolt in the summer. I've said it before and I'll say it again, all of our assets except Caron Butler are less valuable now than they will be next year. Now is not the time to make a major deal.

The correct move for EG was to extensively explore trading our pick and/or the Memphis pick. By Ivan Carter's account, he did just that, but nothing materialized.

Re: The Amazingly Sucky Ernie Grunfield Thread:

Posted: Fri Jun 27, 2008 9:12 pm
by Bickerstaff
He should have traded Songaila, Daniels, Pecherov, and the #17 for Nick Fazekas (or Lebron).