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Re: gil vs javaris

Posted: Fri Jan 1, 2010 5:17 pm
by miller31time
We can only hope that Jamison and Butler were involved as well. a 4-way, Mexican stand-off.

Void them all, I say!

(BTW: Sarcasm for those who think I approve of possessing and using a firearm)

Re: gil vs javaris

Posted: Fri Jan 1, 2010 5:20 pm
by Astonished
So Crittenton brought a gun that day just in case Arenas was going to pull a gun on him when he asked for his money?

Re: gil vs javaris

Posted: Fri Jan 1, 2010 5:22 pm
by WizStorm
Simply unbelievable. If the story is true, Gilbert may have failed to fire a shot at Javaris but certainly managed to hit his own foot.

Re: gil vs javaris

Posted: Fri Jan 1, 2010 5:23 pm
by dlts20
At 1st I was like Gil is an idiot and he will never get it. Its over and he ruined a whole Franchise.

Now though, Im starting to feel sorry for Gil. All this was around the time when we were losing and it was so unexpected back then. He also looked like a shell of his former self. I think for the 1st time he was questioning that he wont ever be good again and will be another Grant Hill or Penny Hardaway.

Then we all know about the stuff that was happening with his good friend Shaq, his Fiance, and he was having a child at the same time. I think he was ready to snap at that time. It was like nothing in his life was going good.

It was a truly dumb thing that he did and that cant be forgotten but I do kind of feel bad. He never thought anything would turn out like this and now the future looks dim all the way around. Atleast he's started to play better though but you know that it has to be on his mind. No wonder why he was choking late in games

Re: gil vs javaris

Posted: Fri Jan 1, 2010 5:26 pm
by Wizards2Lottery
This happened over Christmas Eve so what are you talking about?

Re: gil vs javaris

Posted: Fri Jan 1, 2010 5:26 pm
by sixerbond
76er fan here with my take on this. First off lets get a few things straight here. We all
know that keeping a gun inside ANY NBA venue is cause for an immediate suspension by the league.
So we all know that Gil and Crit are gonna get suspended at the very least. But, with that said, if ANYONE here thinks that Gil, or Crit are the ONLY NBA players that keep guns either in their lockers, or in their cars, which BTW IS Illegal according to the NBA rules, then they're deluding themselves.
I would say right now, about 60-75 % of the league players either keep, or have at a time brought a
gun into their locker room. Now, bringing a gun, and ' Pointing " it at someone is another thing all together. That right there might be a whole year long type of suspension, but who knows.
However, I think the above poster who commented on this whole " Gambling aspect " may have hit the nail on the head here. I'm pretty sure that a team cannot totally void a players contract for the gun issue. But, if ANY sort of Gambling was done, and I mean Illegal gambling, whether it was a game of horse during practice, or just betting on some college or football games outside of the arena, either way, THAT, I know is a breech of the morals conduct of ANY NBA contract, and for that I am certain the Wiz can void the rest of Gil's contract. And I think, but I'm not sure, but I think only a small percentage is applied to the Wizzards Cap. But alas, this whole thing is horrid. And yes, even though I do not excuse Crit's actions here. I can totally see this more as Gil's fault. He comes accross with
this " Gangsta " type of attitude. And that he's above everything,,,even Illegal gambling debts.

But, lets just wait this out, and see what happens. But, either way, I'll bet the league does whatever it can to sweep this gambling angle under the rug. They don't want anymore publicity on anything gambling wise.

Re: gil vs javaris

Posted: Fri Jan 1, 2010 5:29 pm
by GilArenas88
This is bad no way to cut it nicely. This team is in utter chaos, I'm starting to lean toward a total house cleaning. I can't believe teamates are pulling guns on each other in the freaking locker room, is this some bad episode of Punked.

How the hell do you change usernames, I've had enough...

Re: gil vs javaris

Posted: Fri Jan 1, 2010 5:47 pm
by miller31time
GilArenas88 wrote:How the hell do you change usernames, I've had enough...


Re: gil vs javaris

Posted: Fri Jan 1, 2010 5:56 pm
by NetsForce
Not going to lie... There goes my desire for the Nets to trade for Arenas in the offseason (if they don't land Wall).

Re: gil vs javaris

Posted: Fri Jan 1, 2010 5:58 pm
by tkunit
If this is true, I am done with both of them and want both contracts void. grow the F up, I am just done

Re: gil vs javaris

Posted: Fri Jan 1, 2010 5:59 pm
by mohammed10
When asked the reasons for bringing weapons to the arena, Arenas joked, "I'm a bank robber. I like to rob banks."

That's not too far from the truth. With his contract, he's clearly robbing the Wizards blind.

:crazy: :nonono: :ouch:

Re: gil vs javaris

Posted: Fri Jan 1, 2010 6:00 pm
by gowiz999
Just lost the little respect I had left for Arenas. He's thug ass trash just like most of the NBA. I thought he was better than that.

Worst Contract EVER! :evil:

Re: gil vs javaris

Posted: Fri Jan 1, 2010 6:02 pm
by newslowsad
dlts20 wrote:Now though, Im starting to feel sorry for Gil.

Don't feel sorry for rich idiots/divas that fail to possess leadership skills.

Re: gil vs javaris

Posted: Fri Jan 1, 2010 6:16 pm
by pancakes3
i never understood the need to have guns. bill gates doesn't walk around strapped. Oprah's not packing heat. why are athletes so damn ridiculous? even gil - who admits to just stay home and play video games and not go clubbing keeps 3 in his locker? wtf.

Re: gil vs javaris

Posted: Fri Jan 1, 2010 6:16 pm
by mohammed10
This is what I have been trying to bang 2 eveyone about this clown.

Gil ain't all there. He is not a superstar, he is a child. He had all the physical gifts he needed to be on the superstar level, except the single most important thing he needs - a superstar menatality.

What he gives us on the court simply does not outweigh what he is lacking and, in my humble opinion, 90% of what he is lacking is between his ears.

Here you have a team coming off a 19 win season and we talking about him bring firearms into the locker room?! Regardless of why he decided to do this, it is disturbing on many levels.

However, this may be a blessing in disguise because I'm 100% sure if Ernie (or his replacement) can void Gil's deal because of this, we will be free at last.

As many of you have so eloquently stated, I am done with Gilbert Arenas. I saw the potential he didn't develop and I won't make excuses for him any longer. He simply is just not the player/person I thought he was or would develop into. He has proven all the skeptics to be 100% correct about his childish antics.

Re: gil vs javaris

Posted: Fri Jan 1, 2010 6:24 pm
by AgentZero_MN
They were both drunk
blame it to alchohol

Re: gil vs javaris

Posted: Fri Jan 1, 2010 6:30 pm
by mohammed10
To all of you out there, a question:

How many of your employers allow you to bring firearms to your place of employment?

Mine does not. I would thus be fired effective immediately if I did (although I do not own a weapon). Especially if I drew the gun onto another employee...

If what is alleged is true, Stern should make an example of the wanna be thugs - long term suspension or possible being banned from the league, as some have suggested. No excuses.

Re: gil vs javaris

Posted: Fri Jan 1, 2010 6:32 pm
by imagge
mohammed10 wrote:To all of you out there, a question:

How many of your employers allow you to bring firearms to your place of employment?

Mine does not. I would thus be fired effective immediately if I did (although I do not own a weapon). Especially if I drew the gun onto another employee...

If what is alleged is true, Stern should make an example of the wanna be thugs - long term suspension or possible being banned from the league, as some have suggested. No excuses.

Besides aren't guns illegal in the District of Columbia???

Re: gil vs javaris

Posted: Fri Jan 1, 2010 6:33 pm
by Zerocious
this is not the kind of fireworks i was hoping for for 2010.

oh well, flip was right when he said that it could get worse.


1. did critt bring his own weapon to the phonebooth? or grabbed one of gils
2. were they knowingly pulling NON-loaded guns on eachother, what were they going to do hit eachother with em? :nonono:
3. were they betting on the games? critt beting against arenas for standings or wins?

i feel bad for gil. think of it.....

up, up, up: he was at the height of his career, top scorer, all-star, possible mvp considerations, winning team, best record in the east.....

down, down, down: some fool busted his knee, surgery #1
rehad to prove doubter wrong
failed comeback, surgery #2
promising comeback, training ahead of schedule
comeback #2, surgery #3

up, up, up: sign big contract, sign his friends to big contracts. finally healthy, everyone finally healthy, great hopes, great expectations

down, down, down: no wins, bad chemistry, bustd expectations, dead owner, trade rumors, contract over his head...

how would you handle this? it's to much for these guys to be told they are on the top of the world but then being trashed for not living up to expectations, being blamed for everything that is wrong. it messes with you.

gil had a great thing going, he was going to be on top of his game, top of the league, top of his world, it all came tumbling down and crashing apart. all in 2 years.

i feel bad for him. dont say, 'well he's got plenty of money' because that does nothing. i bet he'd give it all back to be where he was three years ago.

Gil, i wish you the best of luck, i hope it all works out. STILL your fan, Zerocious

Re: gil vs javaris

Posted: Fri Jan 1, 2010 6:35 pm
by BlazersRizing
if you guys can get out of Arenas contract, that'd be the best news possible for the future of the team.

and apparently its the Washington BULLETS not Wizards. :lol: