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Zac Bog...7 years 36 million

Posted: Mon Jul 29, 2013 10:37 pm
by SCF99
Right on....I think. I guess i am just thinking small market but it seems like we just tied up alot of money for the next 5 years or so with all the 5 mill a year signings we just did in the last month. As for Bogy himself he is a stud and a needed talent on the team and on D. It would be hard for the Jets to attract free agents to Wpg so we have to make sure we lock up the players we already have here, ones that realize the peg isnt so bad. At least Oli isnt the highest paid jet any more.( to any NHL gms that will read this post, can you please do us fans here in Wpg a favor and trade for him and take him off our hands....he is not that bad, just not really really good)
Any other random thoughts from any one on the resigning in the last few weeks?