King Szczecin Depth Charts

2023-2024 King Szczecin Polish OBL Depth Chart

Starters Andy Mazurczak
16.0p 4.4r 5.2a
Darryl Woodson
11.6p 2.6r 2.0a
Z. Cuthbertson
14.2p 6.8r 2.8a
K. Borowski
3.4p 1.2r 0.8a
Morris Udeze
6.6p 3.4r 0.8a
Rotation   P. Zolnierewicz
5.0p 2.8r 3.0a
M. Nowakowski
6.2p 2.8r 1.0a
Michale Kyser
9.6p 4.6r 1.4a
Tony Meier
10.8p 2.8r 1.4a
Rotation   Matt Mobley
6.4p 0.8r 2.4a
Lim PT         Maciej Zmudzki
2.0p 1.0r 0.0a

* Depth Charts are updated daily throughout the season. The stats are based upon the last 5 games played.

2023-2024 King Szczecin Leaders

MPG Andy Mazurczak 30.9
FG% Maciej Zmudzki .867
3P% Zac Cuthbertson .442
FT% Matt Mobley .900
ORPG Michale Kyser 2.2
DRPG Zac Cuthbertson 5.4
RPG Zac Cuthbertson 6.7
APG Andy Mazurczak 7.4
BPG Michale Kyser 1.1
SPG Andy Mazurczak 1.8
PPG Andy Mazurczak 13.2