
The Official Fire Spo Topic

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Re: The Official Fire Spo Topic 

Post#21 » by GameTime_3 » Fri Jan 1, 2010 10:53 pm

insfo wrote:

Another point which someone made sometime back .. how about firing our Assistant coaches and getting some really competent ones? Ron Rosthstein ?? Really ????? COY Brown depends on his "offensive coach" to even call plays at the end of games. Which of our asst coaches can do that? Riley always had assistants he could depend on to help him during the course of the game .. who does Spo have?

Anways, sorry to rain on anyone's parade .. please continue ... "FIRE SPO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

I was one of those who questioned the coaching staff last year. I've never been a fan of Ron RothStink and I even stated it earlier in the year(Going back to when he coached while Riley was away) that one of the reasons I see no improvement with Spo is that he relies on RothStink and that right their can hold back any coach. Also to Flash, the reason I like the Wannstedt comparison is that Dave came into a job where he had an established core and even though most could see the team getting worse, Fans always brought up that Jimmy put him there(Just cause your worked under a great coach doesn't make you one) and that Jimmy is smart enough to put the right guy to replace him(The record was always brought up also). While I dislike Spo this year, it would take him 2/3 more years of garbage to become Wannstedt lol. I know that Spo has been put in a position that very few could understand it, still doesnt take away from the fact that we all feel that this team is digressing. Name a player on the roster that has improved? Chalmers? Cook? Wade? Jones? You could say Joel and Beasley and yet their are some that say its been mishandled. So I ask, What has Spo done silence his critics?
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Re: The Official Fire Spo Topic 

Post#22 » by Heat_team02 » Fri Jan 1, 2010 10:57 pm

I'm for Riley demoting Spoelstra to assistant coach and assigning Ron Rothstein or Kieth Askins as coach.
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Re: The Official Fire Spo Topic 

Post#23 » by Tim_Hardawayy » Fri Jan 1, 2010 11:16 pm

Does anyone see a similarity with this situation as MJ with Doug Collins? They had to get Phil Jackson because Collins was too friendly with MJ, and had no control over him. I think Wade and Spo have a similar relationship, and it means Wade isn't really being coached.
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Re: The Official Fire Spo Topic 

Post#24 » by DWadeno3 » Fri Jan 1, 2010 11:30 pm

Iputsomepantson wrote:
DWadeno3 wrote:
@Flash3: That's something I was thinking about too. What's the alternative? I mean, there might be Byron Scott out there but would he really be an improvement after it was just "give the ball to CP3 and let him decide" this season?

We need a veteran coach to come in and bring a system this offseason if one becomes available. Byron Scott maybe? I know he's not the greatest coach, but if we had talent like Bosh and Wade, he wouldn't need to be.

Did you make that post without knowledge of my post? Seriously....

Not really because my post was more a secret criticism of Wade.

Mine was too. D-Wade is a diva and Spo can't handle it.

Well then I misunderstood and didn't read your post carefully enough because I didn't see you talked about Scott already. But hey, people repeat what I say quite often too, just move on, **** happens.

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Re: The Official Fire Spo Topic 

Post#25 » by abark » Fri Jan 1, 2010 11:53 pm

insfo wrote:The Heat should hold a lottery on RealGM and choose Spo's replacement from here. I'm sure everyone one of the posters here would do a better job since all it would take is to play Beasley 48 minutes .. unless it is a blowout of course .. then we would go 82-0!

Ok... and when we thought Bush was doing an awful job, he should have been impeached and replaced with someone from the general public at random. That would have fixed everything. See, I can play that game too.

Just because we think he is doing a crappy job, does not mean we think we can do a better job than him. It means we think there are other qualified coaches out there who can. It's tough to get a good coach during the season though, so we'd have to wait until there's an opportunity to pick one up.

insfo wrote:Another point which someone made sometime back .. how about firing our Assistant coaches and getting some really competent ones? Ron Rosthstein ?? Really ????? COY Brown depends on his "offensive coach" to even call plays at the end of games. Which of our asst coaches can do that? Riley always had assistants he could depend on to help him during the course of the game .. who does Spo have?

Anways, sorry to rain on anyone's parade .. please continue ... "FIRE SPO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

So your only defense for him is to blame it on the assistant coaches. Bob Mcadoo, Keith Askins, and Ron Rothstein were all assistant coaches when we won the championship. The only major coaching change has been the promotion of Spoelstra to Head Coach.

Also why are you bringing up Mike Brown? He won COY solely because of Lebron. Everyone agrees he sucks. So what does the way he coaches his team have to do with anything? So Spoelstra should be able to use his assistants as an unnecessary playcalling crutch, because some other awful coach does it as well?
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Re: The Official Fire Spo Topic 

Post#26 » by DWadeno3 » Sat Jan 2, 2010 12:10 am

I think he used Brown as an example for his argument that if we had better ass. coaches Spo would do a better job because even Brown needs the help from his ass. coaches. But as you said, he's not that good of a coach, he just had a good team and one heck of a player.

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Re: The Official Fire Spo Topic 

Post#27 » by 4daluvofdagame » Sat Jan 2, 2010 12:21 am

I am a troll and will be banned.

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Re: The Official Fire Spo Topic 

Post#28 » by unowen85 » Sat Jan 2, 2010 1:36 am


Can't believe I still have this picture.

I think Spoelstra needs to be given a chance to coach a legitimate team and fail before he gets the axe. The team as it is right now is, record wise, where it should. Next season though, with our max free agent on the roster, if things aren't going how they should be, then I'd agree that Spoelstra is under performing, and that we'd need Riley to unretire and get his ass back on the coaching bench.
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Re: The Official Fire Spo Topic 

Post#29 » by dflash3 » Sat Jan 2, 2010 3:56 am

My expectations of Spoelstra are so low that I'd be impressed if he tried to make some adjustments during the game even if it screwed the team over instead of making the same predictable line up changes every single freaking game. DO SOMETHING!
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Re: The Official Fire Spo Topic 

Post#30 » by Hoops23 » Sat Jan 2, 2010 6:35 am

Spo is just in his sophomore year. No matter who the coach is, Miami will not beat the top 3 team in the east. These past seasons, its like preparing Spo for the bigger picture when Miami adds big name free agent this summer. Gaining experience now for the future. I keep hearing Beasley's offense but what about his defense?

If Miami wants to fire him, not this season. But if he's fired, who is the better coach to replace him?

Riley would be the best replacement but I'm sure there are some fans will say that he set up Spo to resign and take on the coaching job when the superstars comes in. Oh men! Some fans here doesn't appreciate what a very good asset Miami Heat has with Riley around.
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Re: The Official Fire Spo Topic 

Post#31 » by rkcHEAT » Sat Jan 2, 2010 7:59 am

I too am disappointed that Spo doesn't substitute well. His rotations really stink and I can't quite figure how he is using Beasley. He continues to pull him when he is the hot man on the court. He is the only other player that will draw a double team consistently. Perhaps he worries about upsetting Wade on nights where Beasley is clearly competing as the star player on the court in certain games. Can DWade handle Beasley being a stud too? What would be wrong with a steady diet and utilization of two stars that consistently demand a double team playing more minutes together.

Also Spo needs to take a tech every now and then and let the refs know that he learned how to back his team from Riles too. I might be for a new coach before long as well if he doesn't correct certain things and at least be real and occasionally admit that he cost a game or two. Maybe a Mike Fratello or hell i'd be all for a Riley return.
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Re: The Official Fire Spo Topic 

Post#32 » by Flashpoint » Sat Jan 2, 2010 8:16 am

Things would be so much easier if Spo was a great basketball mind and natural NBA coach. I think we all fell in love with the idea that we had this young Riley ready to take over the franchise. That seems very silly now. You can't be Pat Riley just because you want to be. To compare their backgrounds is absurd and as much as he's Riley's protege he has nothing of his own that's really of any value to this team. He's really only parroting what he thinks Riley would do. I'd say it's too early for this kind of thread, but I've really grown a strong dislike for Spo. He has done nothing in his life to pull off the stubborn bluster he seems to be constantly filled with. It's usually a fan's first right to criticize how a coach manages and adjusts during a game, but Spo makes this criticism more valid than most. The Beasley situation is just awful. Wade is running wildly into divadom. This growing divide between Beas and Wade's posse is very dangerous and shows a complete lack of control by Spo. Not to mention, the regression by our young players makes the idea of his being a developmental coach absolutely absurd. There seems to be a very amateurish level of favoritism and hypocritical bluster fueling this team that I think speaks directly of the coach. I would be very mad at Riley if he didn't have a better plan for the future of this team than to rely entirely on an overwhelmed video editor.

PS. I would love for Rothstein to finally be purged from this team.
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Re: The Official Fire Spo Topic 

Post#33 » by The Heats fire » Sat Jan 2, 2010 9:02 am

Spo needs to go. I know we're not supposed to crack the top three this year. But we better get an experienced coach sooner than later because I don't know if Spo will be able to handle our 2010 team and it's better to get a coach now so he has more time to adjust to our team than in the offseason. There are not many options now but the best would be Riley coming back from retirement otherwise I could imagine Lawrence Frank as our coach. Maybe he's not as experienced as some other coaches but IMO he would use our young talent way better than Spoelstra. And for those who'll say he's responsible for the Nets bad record look at their current record under Kiki Vandeweghe it isn't much better. He would make more sense than Byron Scott because NO started to play better once Jeff Bower took over and that's telling something about his coaching this year.
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Re: The Official Fire Spo Topic 

Post#34 » by HIF » Sat Jan 2, 2010 1:29 pm

What a sad thread from a bunch of losing whining supporters.
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Re: The Official Fire Spo Topic 

Post#35 » by salqaddoumi » Sat Jan 2, 2010 1:56 pm

Spoelstra is the PERFECT assistant coach, he's great with new age technology and has a long history with video and he's great at preparing a team before a game. As far as motivational techniques, substitution patterns, and having the balls to confront a player when he's not playing up to his standards no matter who he is? Not so much.

I like the guy and I think he's really smart but he's an assistant coach.
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Re: The Official Fire Spo Topic 

Post#36 » by BFO » Sat Jan 2, 2010 2:12 pm

I have been fairly quiet this season but you all got me fired up with this thread.

I will lay my cards down straight up....getting rid of Spo' is a ridiculous notion that just doesn't stack up. He has the team basically in the same spot as last year (pushing for the 5th seed) with almost an identical record. He made a big call to move Haslem to the bench and start Beasley although he still doesn't quite seem to have the rotation quite right. He made the call to bench Chalmers after an indiscretion and after Arroyo played well and it worked, he has stuck with it. This is a call he obviously made on his own as I am sure the Front Office wouldn't want a non-guaranteed contract starting.

He has also done all of this with a less than "awesome" Wade. Last year Wade was unbelievable, this year he has been up and down and less than inspiring on occasion. Add to that Cook being horrendous and our bench basically being in the bottom 5 or 6 in the league he hasn't done a terrible job. Sure, he has made some strange choices and left us scratching our heads from time to time, but guess what? so did Riley.

This board is the same about this time most years, we need a whipping boy to explain why we aren't a contender. Could it be, and I know this might sound crazy, that we are just a middle-of-the-road team that will not win the title this year? But it is easier to blame it on one person isn't it? That way we can pretend that he is the only thing holding us back from contending.

Reality check fellas, we are an average team. We have one superstar; one youngster who could be very, very good; an aged centre who is winding down; an extreme journeyman at the 3; a back-up starting at PG and a bench that has probably one player that would make Boston's or Cleveland's roster. Spo aint working with a hell of a lot.
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Re: The Official Fire Spo Topic 

Post#37 » by Dresta » Sat Jan 2, 2010 2:52 pm

Thing is its difficult to tell just from watching whose fault our Wade or bust offense is. Whether its Wade or Spo, but we're a much better team when the offense is more varied.
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Re: The Official Fire Spo Topic 

Post#38 » by Chosen01 » Sat Jan 2, 2010 2:56 pm

spo's playbook : give wade the ball and get the fck out of his way.
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Re: The Official Fire Spo Topic 

Post#39 » by HIF » Sat Jan 2, 2010 3:33 pm

C - old, injured Toronto cast off
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SF - Fat pie eater who was passed around by a record 5 teams over the summer because his contract was more interesting than him.
SG - World Champion playing beneath his level
PG - Israeli league player on a non-guaranteed contract.


6th man - undrafted player from French leagues
wonder3pointer who can't hit a barn door
Canadian C

Nearly every professional commentator tipped us to miss the playoffs pre-season

We have a record above .500 (which shouldn't last) and we're sitting 5th in the East. Whose fault is that!!!
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Re: The Official Fire Spo Topic 

Post#40 » by Heat_team02 » Sat Jan 2, 2010 3:40 pm

I agree with every point you have just made HIF but you left out one glaring detail. The coaching. If you notice lately when there's a timeout called, you see Spoelstra huddling with the assistant coaches distanced from the players prior to taking the player huddle. Why is that? Is he being prepped for what to say? His substitution patterns and his rotations have been inconsistent and at times so easy to question that he's asked about it after the games by the press what 2 or 3 times in the past 3 games?

It's not just the fans who are noticing the lack of coaching on the offensive end and we have assistants with the exception of maybe McAdoo who are all defensive minded.

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