
Wiz-Board Rules, Links, Traditions and HOF Posts Thread

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Re: Wiz-Board Rules, Links, Traditions and HOF Posts Thread 

Post#61 » by doclinkin » Sat Oct 9, 2010 2:46 pm

pineappleheadindc wrote:.
I can't stand it anymore.

I can't stand haters, the glass-half-empty crew, the ignorant "get your opinion from ESPNers", the bandwaggoners, the guys who'll expect a break in their lives when they screw up but will cut others no such consideration.

I stand before you today in appreciation of Gilbert Arenas. First, I stipulate the following:

-- It's dumb to bring guns to your workplace.
-- Gilbert has a big contract (which was based not on him holding a gun to anyone's head, but based on his on-the-court performance).
-- Gilbert -- and every other NBA player out there -- live a completely different life than I do.

Okay, that being said:

-- Gilbert has paid his price. He went through the legal system and has served his time - to my understanding as a model individual. Legally, his debt to society is paid, it's the way our system works. And if it's good enough for our legal system, it's good enough for me.

-- Think about all of the good things he's done in our community. He's been accessible, charitable, and an outstanding member of our community.

-- He put the Wizards on the map again. For those of you with short memories, I remind you of a team including Anthony Goldwire, Tyrone Nesby, Ike Austin, Chris Whitney (I liked him, though), and Laron Profit. No other player in recent history - except MJ during his comeback - did more to put our franchise on the map and infuse the then MCI Center with a sense of excitement.

-- We all were, both around town and in this virtual space, the community of "hibachi!" Of Agent Zero. Of the Steve Buckhantz "DAGGER!" as you gaze onto the court and see Gil, right arm raised in the sky and wrist cocked post-jump shot, looking as if that 35 footer was a free throw.

I believe in redemption. I believe in second chances. I am an unabashed fan of Gilbert.

A few years ago, I talked to Gilbert's dad over the phone - I' wanted to interview him, but he called me while I was driving in traffic and I couldn't pull over to take notes. Anyway, Gil's dad talked about his son's drive and determination. And as I recall, he also talked about the web and how there were people who just didn't know what they were talking about posting all kinds of tripe.

Gil, if you or your peeps read this, I hope you take all of negativity and put it into that place that only you know - the one that will drive you to make your comeback truly successful. And then, you can look at all of the negativity, the blogger, the whoever and you'll know who has won.

Gilbert Arenas is my guy. I'm a fan. Period.


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Re: Wiz-Board Rules, Links, Traditions and HOF Posts Thread 

Post#62 » by doclinkin » Sun Jan 23, 2011 6:34 am

Ed Wood wrote:Dear LIttle Celtics Fan who Sat Next to Me Tonight,

Hey kid. First of all nice job being a vocal fan but not an annoying fan, you were ahead of the curve for like five or something. I'm sorry you were disappointed that they weren't showing Celtics highlights on the jumbotron but your team is very ugly so that's probably for the best. It's too bad your formative fan experiences can't be in Boston at the Garden but this was pretty much the same crowd but with better accents and black people. You really impressed me with how you handled the tough loss. Sure you were pretty upset, but you barely even cried, way to stay strong. And when you and your dad left with four tenths of a second left I reached over and I took one of those few tears and I drank it. It was delicious.

Home win over Celts and a pro leper-con crowd.
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Re: Wiz-Board Rules, Links, Traditions and HOF Posts Thread 

Post#63 » by doclinkin » Sun Feb 13, 2011 2:14 pm

dangermouse wrote:Yep, the monkey is off their back. We've still got our monkey. Is it a helpful monkey or a harmful monkey? Im not monkey expert so i guess we have to wait and see.

Cavs loss streak derailed, wiz road loss streak still kickin'.
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Re: Wiz-Board Rules, Links, Traditions and HOF Posts Thread 

Post#64 » by BigA » Thu Mar 3, 2011 9:54 pm

ImFocusedMan aka AceDegenerate wrote:

Wow, you couldn't leave well enough alone could you ya little twerp? Nah. You had to push it. Now you're gonna pay.

You are DYSLEXIC and think you have a place talk down on anyone else? Spend some more time on reading comprehension and maybe you can put together 4-letter words without butchering the english language. You're trash, you're a loser, you're nobody. Read your posts, you sound like a blabbering idiot a few steps short of suicide. Seriously, Kill Yourself.

Then these other pricks want to come out of the wood work now, when they think I can't respond? I can always respond, BAN ME PINE you HAWAIIAN CHUMP. Pine has been waiting for this moment for 10 years, don't like you chump. You have wanted to ban me since I pulled out of that season ticket deal you tried to SCREW ME on. You and your boys thought you could snatch up all the marquee games and leave me with the crap end of the deal at the same price, get real that was never happening, and you've had a bone to pick with me since. I'll make it easy for you then.

FISHERCOK, Mr. Tough Guy who likes to talk big on the internet. I can only imagine what your day to day life is like, I can just about guarantee everybody in your life pushes your old ass around. The fact that you get off on talking tough on the web shows what kind of loser you must be. You've been a couple steps short of crying your eyes out to your FAMILY on this forum many times. You idiots really need to stop posting personal information on a BASKETBALL forum, I have enough dirt on most of you to make your entire lives miserable if I wanted to.

You guys are absolutely hilarious and the past year I've spent posting back here has absolutely destroyed my enjoyment of this team. I've taken joy in watching the only team I've ever rooted for in my life LOSE GAMES because I know it bothered SOME of the pricks on this forum. F that, I'm done with it. Most of you here are not real Wizards/Bullets fans in the first place. Every interaction I've had with REAL Wizards fans, in person, has been awesome. You guys are a joke.

There's many who come to this forum and feel like I do, however they don't post because they know their feelings are not welcome. This place is about as close minded as it gets. As soon as someone gets out of line or refuses to tone it down, in comes the power-tripping mods with the suspensions. That's just not how discussion forums work, and is why this site has been going down hill for a while now.

I'm done here, I'll be back to haunt you when the time is right. You wanted me to be a troll, that's exactly what I'll be. I'll put these faggy mods to work here for sure.

I don't know if this is HOF-worthy, but it is one of the more epic flameouts I've seen on a MB.

Edited to add link to original post, in Official Trade Thread XV, March 2, 2011.
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Re: Wiz-Board Rules, Links, Traditions and HOF Posts Thread 

Post#65 » by Rafael122 » Fri Mar 25, 2011 2:09 am

I didn't even know it was Fokus nor did I know what was going on. Man...that was something.
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Re: Wiz-Board Rules, Links, Traditions and HOF Posts Thread 

Post#66 » by daSwami » Sat May 21, 2011 3:16 pm

thinking ill start posting here exclusively. Save the added steps
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Re: Wiz-Board Rules, Links, Traditions and HOF Posts Thread 

Post#67 » by BigA » Tue Jun 14, 2011 12:37 pm

doclinkin's post-2011 NBA Finals LeBron Hate Manifesto
doclinkin wrote on June 14, 2011:

If over the top is where it needs to go, over the top is where it's going. I don't wish him any disease worse than herpes, I don't think he should be run over by a bus full of elementary school kids or nothing.

But in a basketball sense this sort of thing satisfies me inordinately. This is the cat who refused to shake hands when eliminated because he's "a winner". The crab dribbler. The sack of snot who rubs his greasy man-hands on Gilbert's chest at the foul line without earning a technical foul. The discarded condom of a waste who thinks he's entitled to extra steps at the end of basketball games and acts aghast when refs actually tweet him for it. The anal crust who checks his lip for blood when you bump his thigh. The dxck who gets retroactive technical fouls days later after video shows him elbowchecking our guys in the throat, meanwhile at the other end our Lithuanian is ejected for being fouled by LeBron when LeBron pulled a reverse "stop hitting yourself".

In a basketball sense I want him to have his nose rubbed in it like a dog who made his mess in the house-- actually no, that's bad dog training, so just the LeBron version, leave them innocent dogs out of it. In a basketball sense it offends my dignity when he holds a championship celebration before the season ever starts, talking about how he's gonna win "not one, not two, not three, not four, not five, not six, not seven..."

At that point I'm happy to interrupt him at "not one" and say, 'yeah you can stop right there buddy...'

LeBron is a supremely talented player, not since Wilt Chamberlain has there been a player more ideally constructed for playing this game. He was anointed at birth with innate gifts that lesser men cannot even aspire to. Sadly he behaves as though this genetic assay were earned, as though he did god a personal favor to be born this way. And yet it seems he's secretly scared, not quite self-aware but suspicious of the idea that deep down inside he's a bit of a fraud, that he knows he lacks the strength of character to overcome adversity because quite frankly he's never had to battle it.

In that sense, as a basketball fan of a perennially hapless team of (at best) scrappy underdogs, his behavior is an affront to me. He's the anti Chris Whitney, playing on two sprained ankles (one a partially torn ligament IIRC) on a team with no chance of winning simply because he owed it himself, to his teammates, to his overmatched coach, to us chumps in the stands to earn every digit on his paycheck, and nobody else was willing to step up despite sometime all-star status (sinceHot Dog Rod sat the bench with a pulled vagina or whatever).

LeBron is rich kid and bully all rolled into one. And it satisfies me to see his 'global icon' blimp draw ack-ack fire and plummet in firey doom. Global Icon, he floated that one before he ever picked up a ball in this league. When you compare and contrast with hard luck stories like Juan Dixon, when I see basketball lifers like Khalid El-Amin never get a toehold in the league still loving the game and running his squad in Eastern Bloc leagues, then I derive nothing but satisfaction from LeBron's sour feelings that he hasn't yet found a star big enough to hide behind. That the bully gets cracked in the teeth and put in his place for a minute or two, having to think more carefully about what fights he picks and who he's been disrespecting.

I'm happy to go back to my little life, struggling to pay bills and making kids happy and worrying about the future, still satisfied that for today at least there is a metaphor of justice, an icon for those who have to work for a living, a sense that sometimes selflessness and teamwork and perseverance and sportsmanship pay off, and that at least occasionally there is something like justice. It could only be better if it were my squad who put him in his place, but if for now I get a surrogate squad, then I'm fine with that. It satisfies my happy that DeShawn Lunatic Stephenson is the cat with the championship resume while LeBj slinks home to his millions and his excuses, wondering how that just happened.

I just wish it were Gilbert with that ring. And us with the parade. Other than that I'm good.
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Re: Wiz-Board Rules, Links, Traditions and HOF Posts Thread 

Post#68 » by doclinkin » Fri Feb 3, 2012 3:30 am

Illuminaire gets his engraved pedestal:

Illuminaire wrote:
nate33 wrote:Somebody hit me over the head before I start actually feeling good about this team.

Nate! This is Future Illuminaire, coming back from 2014 to warn you. I don't have much time before the quantum field collapses. But there are things you need to know. The lottery is rigged - don't put your hopes in it. We got our new starting PF, Perry Jones III, and he will be everything everyone feared - Tim Thomas 2.0 without the 3-point shot. No top tier agents are willing to come here - some out right laughed at the idea - but we do manage to sign some a limited roleplayer coming off a big playoff run to a four year, 25 million dollar contract.

Wall never learned to shoot. Reports say he spent his last two summers doing the Dougie and popping jello shots with 'Dray.

McGee actually turned the corner and started getting down to business. Burned his X-box and shut down his twitter, started putting in six hour skill sessions at the gym. Looked like the third best center in the league at the start of 2014... up until he lost his left hand trying to jump over a circular saw at the dunk contest. He made the dunk, btw, but Blake (@^*!&!^ Griffin still won by kissing a puppy perched on the rim.

DO. NOT. HOOOOOOPE. *vanish*

Kevin Seraphin thread.
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Re: Wiz-Board Rules, Links, Traditions and HOF Posts Thread 

Post#69 » by daSwami » Thu Feb 16, 2012 11:40 pm

June 14 - Feb. 2 (that's 7 1/2 months) w/o a HOF-worthy post. Either the HOF selection criteria has gotten tougher or this forum's output has gotten weaker. I believe the latter.
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Re: Wiz-Board Rules, Links, Traditions and HOF Posts Thread 

Post#70 » by doclinkin » Thu Apr 26, 2012 1:09 pm

^^ I blame donkey. that dude is never here anymore.

By request:

hands11 wrote:
nate33 wrote:
Nivek wrote:If there's something more tedious than reading posts from people reminding everyone of how right they were about everything, I'm not sure what it is. When I see words like... Just like I have been saying for years... I stop reading.

I've said all along that it's annoying when people do that.

Though less annoying them people posting about how right they are about something in the present that they are actually going to be wrong about in the future, but since you can't get proved wrong until the future, they come at it with both barrels saying how right they are and how a fool the other person is.

Look, that is 90% of what get posted here. It's people thinking they are 100% right in their views about things today and pocking at or bashing the opposing view, and people coming back and pointing out how those people were actually wrong like they said they were at the time.

Funnier is that even the people that say they are annoyed that people come back and say they were right, they do it also. Thats whats funny.

If people are going to do #1, expect #2 to happen. Falls into the "if you want to dish it out, you better be able to take it" category.

What is more annoying is how many people that do #1 that end up having #2 done on them are actually still seen as insightful.

montestewart wrote:There's nothing wrong with doing #1, and there's nothing wrong with doing #2, but if you do both, you better sit down.

Random thoughts thread.
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Re: Wiz-Board Rules, Links, Traditions and HOF Posts Thread 

Post#71 » by pineappleheadindc » Mon Dec 17, 2012 4:42 am

closg00 wrote:
Knighthonor wrote:
tontoz wrote:Wall won't be able to help Vesely hit the rim on a foul shot or jumper.

Jan lacks confidence right now, which I believe is due to his own personal NBA comfort building block (Wall, the lotto pick before him) is out the for the season, and he forced to play without his building block of comfort.

notice how he playing worst than summer league.

something emotional is the underlining issue with Jan.

You all not helping him, by being so negative.

:rofl: HOF

This, above, is from the Jan Vesely Part II: He is a Bust thread.
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Re: Wiz-Board Rules, Links, Traditions and HOF Posts Thread 

Post#72 » by BigA » Sat Jan 5, 2013 5:45 pm

bulletproof_32 puts his rep on the line in the "Crawford vs Arenas 3rd Year Comparison" thread with the surprisingly similar early career stats of Jan Vesely and Jermaine O'Neal:

bulletproof_32 wrote:Very interesting comparison. Got me thinging (sic) about another very similar comparison that should be on soon:

Jan Vs Jermaine 1st year comparison ... 01&y2=2012

Ok, before you'll (or y'all) freak out, just look at the numbers. I know this is sacreligious to the EG haters but so be it. This isn't about saying Jan is the franchise cornerstone or the heart of this team but it is interesting to see their similarities and realize Jan has nice potential if used correctly.

Both 6-11. Jan is thinker (tomato/ tamatoe) at 240 ( apparently jan also uses a different scale to weight himself).

Neither played college ball.
One was teammates with Rasheed Wallace. The other plays for a franchise that drafted Rasheed Wallace.
Both have names that begin with J (although one can't hit a j, the other has hit a few j's in his lifetime)
Both showed tones of swag confidence at the draft.

OK. Let the freak out name calling begin. I've been making this comparison for years and will stick my 7 year Wizboard reputation on it.

Crawford vs Arenas 3rd Year Comparison
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Re: Wiz-Board Rules, Links, Traditions and HOF Posts Thread 

Post#73 » by doclinkin » Sat Jan 19, 2013 6:07 am

Nivek wrote:
leswizards wrote:This season could go down in history as the worst season ever. The team starts 4-28 to virtually eliminate any chance of the playoffs, then goes 37-13 to finish the season at 41-41, and then misses the playoffs because there are 8 teams in the east with better records, meaning the Wizards end up getting the worst player in the lottery.

This post could come only from a Wizards fan. It somehow combines delusional optimism with soul-crushing pessimism.

This belongs in the HoF.

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Re: Wiz-Board Rules, Links, Traditions and HOF Posts Thread 

Post#74 » by doclinkin » Tue Apr 30, 2013 6:58 pm

fishercob wrote:
Wes_Tiny_Abe_ wrote:Image

Jason Collins is a BORING gentrification era gay.

The real gays in DC were over at 12" Dance Records on P Street back in the day.
99% of the employees who worked there and customers who shopped there were all openly gay.
From men dressed as women all the way to shirtless muscular incredible hulk body type dudes on rollerblades that place was just as gay if not gayer than any gay nightclub in DC or Baltimore.

I remember walking up to the register one time with a stack of albums I wanted to purchase and the cashier behind the register ignored me, pulled out a mirror and started applying lipstick and other makeup products to his face. "I'm busy right now" "Just leave the albums on the counter and come back and pay for them in 10 minutes" he said.

Sometimes the store phone would ring and nobody would answer it because they did not want to lower the music and disrupt the live in store DJ who was mixing house records in the back of store.

I still have one of their shopping bags.

One of these days I might frame it along with many of my other shopping bags from local businesses which have long since closed just to remind myself how interesting this city was before the CVS, Starbucks and Whole Foods invasion.

HOF post.

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Re: Wiz-Board Rules, Links, Traditions and HOF Posts Thread 

Post#75 » by doclinkin » Fri May 31, 2013 6:11 am

AFM wrote: on Thu May 30, 2013 1:34 am

WizarDynasty wrote: Len is a gymnast. His body only recent began banging against humans who were stronger than himself. His bone structure is set. IF Len was ten years old and still had alot of growing to do and we forced him to push the strongest kid in school out of the paint for an hour each day, his bone density and muscle structure would much much different than what we see now. It's way to late for len's bones to reset and for his muscle distribution to redesign. His joints are set for high impact from jumps but he is like a fish out of water when attempting to use lower body strength and move mass using his lower body. When he attempts to do this, his body gets injured because his joints during his growth spurt repaired themselves from high impact from jumps off a balance beam, not from applying 1000 pounds of pressure on one ankle joint moving his body mass and plus another 260lb body mass pushing back on that one joint.

Had Len's joint experienced these shock forces at a young age, his body would have molded into a killing machine for this particular task 10 years later as it fully matured.

It's only the unwise who see Len's height and completely ignore his inability to use lower body strength to move bodies, and his inability to lower his center of gravity in his knees.
the reason he can't is because if he does, he will get injured because his body was molded for that from his daily activities.
Now a guy like Bennett who has been playing basketball all of his life, and substantial time in the post, you see how thick his legs and how he moves players in the post for rebounds. He's been doing these activities since a very very young age and his body, after 10 to 15 years of training is honed for that specialized activity.
Had you taken Len and Bennett out of the balance beem, even at 7'1, Len would probably destroy him.
Len's raw athleticism from gymnastic allows him to make finesse moves becomes gymanistics is purely finesse. Unfortunately, finesse with no explosiveness and no power means he isn't wizard material. Maybe running with Nash in a fun and gun but not DC.
We are grind out elbow in the mouth blow by you and power through contact and still score team.
Len and Porter don't fit that mold. They are soft finesse players in jamison mold. We left that era a long long time ago. Seraphin is showing alot of soft european style which is why he needs to traded for a real wizard style player. Singleton and Booker don't have at least two of the three traits needed to be a wizard either.
Explosiveness, Elite body control with the basketball, and demonstrated ability to finish through contact consistently.
You need to have at least two of these three traits in order to be a Washington Wizard.

One of the greatest posts of all time. HOF Post.
Should be stickied.

Glorious. Pure. WizNasty at his most froth-flecked and wild eyed. Link.
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Re: Wiz-Board Rules, Links, Traditions and HOF Posts Thread 

Post#76 » by doclinkin » Thu Jul 25, 2013 4:57 am

montestewart wrote:
Benjammin wrote:I look forward to a day when someone's children won't have the need for this thread.

A time when Grunfeld is nothing more than a tale parents tell to make their children behave.

"Eat your spinach or the Grunfeld will make another trade."

Countdown to Ernie Grunfeld Firing thread.
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Re: Wiz-Board Rules, Links, Traditions and HOF Posts Thread 

Post#77 » by doclinkin » Wed Sep 11, 2013 2:15 am

pancakes3 wrote:If real life was a movie, Lamar Odom and Michael Beasley would come to DC and John Wall will have a "Like Mike" effect on those two en route to a championship (and learn about a different ship along the way. Friendship). There would be 5 musical numbers scored by Sir Elton John, and Ernie would be a talking woodchuck who tidies the Verizon Center before games with his woodland pals. Helen Mirren plays Irene and has a tasteful nude scene.

Ed Wood directs. Our Ed Wood.

Ha! Link.
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Re: Wiz-Board Rules, Links, Traditions and HOF Posts Thread 

Post#78 » by montestewart » Wed Dec 18, 2013 3:20 pm

doclinkin wrote:
dobrojim wrote:
Dat2U wrote:Agreed, It actually crushed me that we somehow managed to beat a horrible Knicks team by one point. It's like false hope. Hell, this entire season is about having enough false hope to go-all-in for the playoffs when in reality were really a 35 win team.

I get what you're saying but am still thinking baby steps/incremental improvement.

This was a game we would have lost traditionally.
My eyes were saying we were the better team and we were ahead more
than behind (WAG) so we 'should' have won. The ugly part is we should
have won by more than we did, up 15 early in the 2nd half and up 7 early/middle
of the 4th. But I'll take the 1 pt win especially after 3/4 losses were so close
and winnable. And to get the MSG monkey off our backs.

Against the easy schedule that being an eastern conference team confers,
I'm pretty sure we're more than a 35 win team. Unless Wall gets hurt. He's
indispensable with Maynor/Temple waiting in the wings. How much more than
35 wins remains to be seen as well as how high a seed we can manage. Anything above
7-8 gives us a legit shot to win a playoff round.

And that's all well and good for us to look back fondly in 3 years remembering that one time we made it to the playoffs and surprised somebody. Felt good about ourselves. Forced Ted's hand to re-ink the core starters at whatever the market price was (Ariza, Gortat) and renew GMEG and -- okay lost our draft pick...

... only to see the East seeded with franchise caliber-talent in the top 5 slots, who proceed to catch and pass us. And teams all around us grow comfortable scouting with advanced metrics in the Adam Silver era. And we rely on a scouting and talent evaluation department that amounts to expenses-paid trips to Treviso Italy, for that real eyes-on evaluation of what one sub-par talent looks like against other non-NBA euroscrubs.

Off and on I've been 'benefit-of-the-doubt' on both Ernie and Ted. Looking at the secret plan of designed futility, building a bench before recruiting top talent, so we can still select high draft picks while adding developing talent that either has a high home-run swing potential or high character glue guys that work hard but are not transcendent, just fit a hard hat culture. All of which would add good attitude and effort even while losing, preserving the chance at the truly transcendent talent needed to contend at the upper echelon --- so as not to get stuck in mediocrity. 'Suck until you suck lucky'. If that was the secret plan then great! John Wall, Brad Beal were strokes of luck. Whether or not this was the secret subtext, it was implicitly suggested in Ted's 10(-ish) point plan -- if he could execute it right.

But he was hemorrhaging corporate dollars to more attractive sporting events, losing box seats and sponsors and asses in the seats. So he flinched and allowed another 'all in for mediocrity' plan. Didn't want his high lotto talent to become disillusioned and accustomed to losing (in the 'taking my talents to South Beach' era). He flinched. Winced. Swerved. Could not hold true to the vision, and re-defined success multiple times, trying to buy his own bull[dumplings]. Tried to convince us he believed what he was saying. Tried to put a positive face on everything including failure.

And bless him, he continued the long Wiz/Bullet tradition of valuing loyalty above success. His 10 point plan states he wants his front office to be like an ethnic family, arguing vociferously at the dinner table, but defending each other in public. Contrast with Pat Riley who comes off as though he'd fire his nephew from the paper route if he had a Salvadoran family who would deliver the whole stack by 5AM for the cost of one plantain each. Yes you'd rather eat dinner with Ted. Unless winning a championship is the only food you are hungry for.

But worse yet, and here's the point where they lose me: Ted allowed both GM and Coach to enter a contract year with a win-now mandate : providing incentive for them to dump valuable assets for immediate gain. This with a coach who has a proven record of sucking at drafting, who therefor prefers to swap picks out for veteran players who can give immediate gain, if lower upside, who under a prior 'win-now' mandate TRADED STEF CURRY FOR A BUCKET OF DRIED COW CHIPS AND Mike MIller's stupid hairband.

Under this mandate ("win something or other") the coach will surely run the few reliable players he can trust into the ground, scratching desperately for wins to salvage his job here, or audition for his next position. And the GM is in an all-or-nothing shot to hang onto this job this year, since at his age and with his track record there may not be another kush front-office job waiting for him in this game. He will swap any future asset for any minimal gain, or to replace any burned out player the coach runs into the ground.

Clusterfelching all around.

Yes we may win one round, with all healthy. In a weakened East. But do we have the wind to sustain it? One leg of a relay race we can replay years later, and not even a bronze medal on the mantlepiece. But for 50 yards we were ahead of the pack weren't we? Well not ahead, but like neck and neck with that first guy on the Jamaican relay team, not Usain Bolt but like the guy nobody remembers, what's-his-name guy. Man we almost beat them then...

It's a weird feeling enjoying a win and feeling hollow about it. Wins without hope. Unless both Brad and John Wall take a remarkable leap every year, and, and… and.... can't see it.

Re: 3rd Place in the east.
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Re: Wiz-Board Rules, Links, Traditions and HOF Posts Thread 

Post#79 » by miller31time » Sat Dec 21, 2013 7:09 pm

WizarDynasty wrote:Eric maynor has actually played in rhetorically western conference championship within the last couple of years something wall can only dream off. Don't piss off a point guard with genuine wizard knowledge of What it takes scheme wisto get through 82games plus playoffs. he has been there and no other point guard on roster has even whipped deep playoffs recently. Wizard wisdom is What takes u deep into playoffs and maynor has the experiences of What it took licked in his memory for wall. point guard scheme.. adjustments strategies used in second game versus sixth game..disguised 4th quarter game plans. not many pg. available with those experiences as a back up point guard. more importantly
..maynor has this experience recently. name a backup point hare with .ba championship experience. thread showslack of wizard fan playoff experience. Fans have no clues about long 7 gam series. u Are publicly attacking one the most important elements on the team based on non playoff games. Ted is trying to transform you from a bullet .....piece of metal shot from a gin into a wizard....wise.... wisest fans in the .ba. board has a long way to go but ee have wise wizard posters to guide into Ted the savior rescue operation. remember to thank Ted for finally seeing wise wizard ball with my vision of two way players with high bbiqs. lateral quicksand...strong lower body strength standing reach...and spinning ball on a finger. dc is finally dc

Wiz-D defending our good friend, Eric Maynor
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Re: Wiz-Board Rules, Links, Traditions and HOF Posts Thread 

Post#80 » by JWizmentality » Mon Dec 23, 2013 7:17 am

Lateral quicksand.....mind=blown

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